View Full Version : PROJECTNAME variable question

2005-05-10, 05:06 PM

I hope I can explain my question without going on too long...
I have a couple people who will be creating new drawings. They will need to attach reference drawings which are stored on a server in a very long path. I'm trying to help make it easy for them to attach reference drawings.

I go to the Options dialog box and under Files I create a project under the Project Files Search Path.
I call the project S282 and set the path to \\server\real\long\path.
Now I create a new drawing. I'm in my new drawing and want to attach a reference drawing.
When I go to attach the new reference I get a dialog box to Select Reference File.
On the Look in: pulldown I see all my mapped drives and things like My Computer and My Network Places but I see nothing relating to the project path I defined. Is it just wishful thinking on my part but shouldn't I be able to select a refence from the place I set my project path to? I was hoping to somehow click or select my "S282" and be taken to where S282 is defined in my Options.

I understand that once a reference file is attached the project setting will find the drawing the 2nd time the file is opened. Why doesn't the project setting help me attach the file in the 1st place? I hope this makes sense.

Thank you,

2005-05-10, 09:47 PM
ProjectName is meant only to add resolution of XRefs, not the attachment of them. I would add a shortcut in the default folder when they execute XRef, or add the folder to the file dialogs "places".