View Full Version : Mechanical Plans - This Possible?

2005-05-10, 05:38 PM
Alright, i am trying to find a way to schedule mechanical diffuser tabs by the actual room they are enclosed in...

A typical Room would have a Supply and a Return / Exhaust diffuser located within.

I see how to add shared parameters to families to add these parameters, however is there a way to schedule this data per room...

Example.. Room 101 200 CFM Supply
200 CFM Return

Schedule output.......... Room Supply Return
101 200 200

Now revit just would schedule all the diffusers as if they were in one room, not sure if this is possible but it would save me a lot of time.

2005-05-10, 05:51 PM
When you create your schedule, when on the 'feilds' tab, look under the list of available Parameters for a drop-down. Change this Drop-down to read 'Room Parameters' (or something like it, this is off the top of my head) and now Room parameters are available.

Add to your Schedule the Room Number and Name, and then on the Grouping tab Select the Room Number as the First Grouping Rule (the top pulldown).

Now you'll get things sorted by room (or at least you should, this is how it works with other things in Revit, don't know if Mechanical Stuff has this ability).

2005-05-10, 05:57 PM
I see the drop down box but it only has one choice (rooms)

Also what other items in revit have this capability? Perhaps i can dissect it and then learn it easier or apply that parameter to the mechanical equipment.

2005-05-10, 06:13 PM
pick rooms then. you'll see the parameter list above it change to show the available room parameters (as they apply to Mechanical Equptment).

Almost everything in Revit has this ability to know what room it's in. You can also have it total things up per room. I've made windows that total up the amount of light and ventilation they have, and then used that to generate a schedule that totals up the amount of area of light and ventilation per room. Just an example of how you do this. It's a Window Schedule that also uses Room parameters, and is sorted by room, and then the light and vent columns are told to total themselves up...

2005-05-11, 02:11 PM
Alright i have that figured out, now when i create a new schedule i cannot figure out how add the Area of the room to a mechanical schedule, it does not show up as an option under the Room Parameters drop down....Their is no Room: Area

Also when i create a Room Schedule and try to add all my shared paramaters they do not populate in the schedule. They do in the mechanical schedule so i know the shared parameters are set up correctly.

Need Area and the Supply, Exhaust, Return on the same schedule so i can compute volume of each room to determine CFM requirements.

Once i get this figured out i will move on to heat loss section of the schedule

Scott D Davis
2005-05-11, 03:38 PM
Side note: Nice Avatar, Neb1998!

2005-05-11, 03:47 PM
Thanks scott....any insight on this problem?

2005-05-11, 04:11 PM
Side note: Nice Avatar, Neb1998!

Have you looked into creating a Multi-category Schedule? They allow you to Schedule lots of different things together, and should have Room Areas available to you.

View->New->Schedule, then pick the top 'Multi-Category' Schedule. You'll probably have to set up a filter however, for the Multi-category Schedule will pull most Components into itself, if you don't know how to do that just ask.

Also, just as a side note, if you didn't want to do this all within Revit (for example you already know Excel or Access) you could export to ODBC and create Spreadsheets or Reports that did this automatically for you. But once you've got it in Revit you'll be able to cut-and-paste it between projects, which will probably be more useful, and can have it on a sheet... just sayin'.

2005-05-11, 05:19 PM
the multi category schedule works up to the point of areas...for some reason it does not list AREA as one of the choices.

And the outside database i know would be an option however it will complicate the picture even more, and then i will need to reimport the data back into revit for printing

2005-05-11, 06:06 PM
I feel your pain, & I too havn't found a way to access the room area in schedules other than room schedules.

Not sure why that is either. Good wishlist item.