View Full Version : Swapping Basic Walls for Stacked Walls

Scott D Davis
2005-05-10, 06:23 PM
So I'm doing this school classroom building, and it started basic...generic 6" walls, etc. I've popped in the windows, doors, got the parapet Trim on, some overhanging canopies, the roof, etc. Then I had swapped out the generic wall type for a compound wall, stucco exterior, gyp board interior, wood stud structure. In fact, the model is getting pretty complete. But then I noticed on the back side of the parapet, i still had Gyp Board, which needs to stop inside the ceiling space, and then be stucco on the inside of the parapet.

Easy, right? Perfect condition for stacked walls. I make a new basic wall type with stucco both sides, and create my stacked wall type. When I select a basic wall in the model, and then go to the Type pull down to replace it with my Stacked Wall, I get errors, stating:

"Switching wall type to Family Curtain Wall. All Dimension References to the side faces of the Wall will be deleted."


"Switching element type to Curtain Family. All Wall Sweeps or Reveals hosted by this instance will be deleted."

And then all my reveals and the wall sweep parapet cap go away! But I'm not using a curtain wall at all!!!! What the heck is going on? We must have the abiltity to start generic, and move towards more complex walls as the design develops, including changing Basic to Stacked Walls!

Any ideas?

2005-05-10, 07:22 PM
Just a guess, but I think what you're seeing is a mismapped error message.

I get the same here (including the error message), using Revit's standard stacked wall & a generiic wall with a sweep in it (wall hosted).

In fact it seems that sweeps & reveals go away even when switching between any wall type, less the confusing error message.

2005-05-10, 08:03 PM
Sorry about this Scott. It is a badly worded message, but unfortunately still valid. We do remove wall sweeps, reveals and some dimensions when switching to stacked wall. Request are open to preserve them, but have not had time to implement it yet. (At least inserts are preserved ;-)

You can work around this though by cut and past same place.

Before changing wall type:
- Select all sweeps, reveals (maybe dimensions too if you care about them),
- Cut
- Switch wall type to stacked wall
- Paste same place should put back the sweeps, reveals, etc.


Scott D Davis
2005-05-10, 08:51 PM

Thanks for the explanation and fix (temporary fix, right? ;-) ). I should be able to make that work for now. Why the message that I'm using Curtain Walls?

2005-05-10, 08:53 PM
Why the message that I'm using Curtain Walls?
I can not tell you ;-). It would be like peeking behind the curtain.

Paul Monsef
2005-05-10, 09:08 PM
I can not tell you ;-). It would be like peeking behind the curtain.
No peeking, you would just be telling us what's back there. - Big difference! :mrgreen:

Allen Lacy
2005-05-10, 09:13 PM
I can not tell you ;-). It would be like peeking behind the curtain. Is that anything like "pay no attetion to the man behind the curtain"? ;)