View Full Version : Embedding Autodesk DWF Viewer in Microsoft Office Applications

2005-05-10, 10:03 PM
Embedding Autodesk DWF Viewer in Microsoft Office Applications

Note: Microsoft Word is used for the examples below. Embedding DWF files within other Microsoft Office applications may vary slightly. This feature is supported for Microsoft Office 2000 and later.
From the application main menu select “Insert > Object.” From the “Object” dialog, under “Object Type” select “Autodesk DWF Viewer Control” from the list of options. Click “OK.”
Autodesk DWF Viewer appears on the page at the insertion point as an ActiveX control. You can resize the control to fit your needs.
Click on the Autodesk DWF Viewer control to select it and right mouse click on the control to view the context menu.
To select a DWF file to embed, from the context menu, select “Autodesk DWF Viewer Control Object > Properties.” The control properties dialog appears.
Click the “Browse” button to select a file locally or type in a URL to the DWF file in the “Path to the file you wish to view” field.
Once you’ve selected the DWF file to embed, you can also choose to embed a copy of the DWF within the Word document itself or you can leave the file as an external resource. To embed the DWF within the Word document itself, check the checkbox option “Do you want to embed a copy of this file in the parent document?”
To run the Autodesk DWF Viewer control and view the DWF file within your document, you’ll need to select the "Design Mode” button from the “Control Toolbox” toolbar. This button switches between design and run modes. When in Design Mode, you can change the control’s settings for Autodesk DWF Viewer and edit the path to the DWF file. When in “Run” mode you can view the DWF file and run Autodesk DWF Viewer as an application within your Office applications, and dynamically pan, zoom and navigate the drawing.

2006-02-21, 06:21 PM
Very good & timely information. I am doing my first project with DWFs that will be inserted into Word documents.

Thanks very much!

Randy Van Nostrand
Huntsville, AL

2006-02-22, 01:27 PM
Will this work if I send the document to someone else?
I am guessing they would have to install the viewer.

2006-02-22, 03:06 PM

Most likely they will need the viewer installed, just like they needed it for embedding DWF's on a web page. The advantage is that it's embedded within another application and can be sized appropriately and controlled within that application by the end user.

2006-02-26, 04:47 PM
( AUGI doesn't allow to attach a sample presentation, which I created. !! )Hi Girish

You could place it inside a ZIP file, then post it to the forums.

:beer: Mike

2006-02-27, 07:28 AM
We are widely using this tip for showing Architectural plans in CAD files to present using Microsoft Power Point. The procedure is same like Edward mentioned for word file. After completing the embedding procedure, we need to "pack" the presentation using "Pack 'n' Go" feature in Powerpoint.(This will embed all supporting files required for this presentation). After that extract the file and save as Powerpoint slide show. . Only thing, the person should have the DWF viewer installed while running the presentation.
(Please find attached sample presentation. Thanks to Mike.)

This kind of embedded presentation will allow the user to use all the command button inside the viewer while slide show running.

Tip. If you are using VoloView Express Controller instead of DWF viewer Controller, can show the .dwg files directly.
