View Full Version : Schedule Doors to Rooms

2005-05-11, 01:30 AM
Using RB8 ( 20050412_2300 )

I have offices with curtain walls. Doors are placed by changing a curtain wall panel to a solid wall and then inserting a standard door. The doors number correctly. Room Names and Room Numbers are tagged to the offices. When a door schedule is created with fields for " Room Name " and " To Room Name " these fields are not being filled, nor are the Room Names available from the drop down list for these doors.

Anyone experienced this ?

Mr Spot
2005-05-11, 02:25 AM
Yes. Experiencing it today. Sending the file to support. At first i thought it was because the room bounding line wasn't intercepting the door or the doors host. But after a check it is, so as such can see no reason why its not picking up...

Will keep everyone informed of the progress.

2005-05-11, 07:57 AM
I've been trying to log a support request all day, but can't connect to the subscription centre. :?

Mr Spot
2005-05-11, 10:42 PM
Interesting, i had no problems logging on...?

2005-05-16, 03:35 AM

Did you get an answer to this?

Mr Spot
2005-05-16, 11:31 PM
No they keep sending me emails saying your report has been upgraded to a techinical request or your request has been upgraded to a development request etc. They've sent me the same email like 5 times and haven't heard anything about whether its a bug or if there are plans for a fix build?

Mr Spot
2005-05-22, 10:32 PM
Latest info...

Now that it has become a development request I haven't received any further information. Apparently it is a known limitation with curtain wall doors/windows. So its up to the development team to see if its important enough to warrant a fix?

Curtain wall doors and windows are essentially just panels that have the ability to be scheduled as doors and windows. Correct functionality for to/from info not implemented.

I do hope its fixed, or at least we are given the abilty to manually add in the to/from room info for these situations.