View Full Version : 6.0 Slowdown?

2003-12-22, 04:58 PM
Downloaded and installed 6.0. All is working fine, except when I open Revit, I get a message saying that pre-highlighting performance is inadequate and suggesting that I have a conflict between my video card and my OS. The fix suggested is to disable hardware acceleration in the control panel.

Revit does seem to respond slowly when I'm running 6.0--the pre-highlighting is delayed and I can easily stay a couple of keystrokes/mouse-clicks ahead of the program. I followed the suggestion of disabling hardware acceleration and the performance is horrible. I also lowered my color depth from 32bit to 16bit.

5.1 runs fine.

I have a P4 2.4 ghz w/512 mb ram, 32mb nvidia geforce 2 video card (its a dell laptop) and XP home.

In 5.1 and 6.0 Open GL acceleration is disabled.

Any suggestions? 6.0 right now is borderline unusable for me.


2003-12-22, 06:37 PM
No need to completely disable graphic acceleration. Try lowering it a "notch" at a time and seeing how it affects performance.

2003-12-22, 07:57 PM
Anybody else have similar hardware specs that can verify things are ok on their machine? Just narrowing the issue down.


2003-12-22, 08:10 PM
I received the same error, but ignored it and so far have had no problems or seen the error warning since. I will keep an I out for it and report back if it reappears or effects Revit performance or functionality.

From All of Us to All of You.

This time of year brings out good cheer,
For the Holidays and New Year.

So let the festive spirit abound,
And enjoy those loved that are around.

Yet not forget those who cannot be,
Who's love in past brought us glee.

We wish you and your family all ,
The best of the Holidays about to call,

A New Years throughout of good health,
where deeds and love are measured wealth.

That strife and hunger of nations cease,
and all mankind enjoy a millennium of peace.

Dean Camlin
2003-12-22, 10:25 PM
I had that same error message, and performance sucked. When I looked in detail at the specs for my new Dell computer, I soon found out why. I bought a Dell PowerEdge 400SC to use as a desktop, though it's marketed and supported as a server. It's got a P4 2.8 gHz processor + 1 gb of RAM. But it turned out that the video card was an 8 mb ATI PCI card. I went right out to Staples & bought a PNY Verto 128 mb AGP card (Open GL supported too) for $100 (-$20 mail-in rebate) & now Revit's performance is smoooooth as can be.

Scott D Davis
2003-12-22, 10:47 PM
I have had the same problem. Running an HP Pentium 4 1.7Ghz, with a Gig of Ram. Video card is an ATI Rage Pro 4XL, 16 MB card.

I had to turn graphic acceleration completely off in the Control Panel. I tried Greg's suggestion of step-by-step, but the only solution was to turn it off. Open GL in Revit is off.

What impact is the hardware acceleration being off going to have in other programs?

2003-12-22, 10:49 PM
You use other programs Scott? Like what? Winamp? Minesweeper? Solitaire? You should be fine! :twisted:

Scott D Davis
2003-12-22, 10:54 PM
Dang! Quite the shot I took on that one, Steve! What can I say, considering that came from a 1000+ poster to Zoog.....where's that post about how much beegee is costing his company???

2003-12-23, 01:00 AM
where's that post about how much beegee is costing his company???

Ohhh I see, got whumped by Q, so you thought you'd swing at me ?

No go, got the perfect answer.... ( as I explained at length to the boss just the other day.... ) Think of all the money I'm saving the company by learning more about Revit !

( Phew, that was close ! )

2003-12-23, 01:30 AM
Gosh, you're right Scott what was I thinking, bud...I nearly forgot you must also use a browser to check in with Zoog...my mistake...

Evil Steve has been reprimanded and returned to his cage..."bad Steve, bad Steve, now Scott is mad at you too..."

2003-12-23, 04:18 AM
So, what changed from 5.1 to 6.0 that all of a sudden has taxed my resources???


Charles Francis
2003-12-23, 01:54 PM
We had a similar problem to that mentioned earlier in the thread plus the cursor seemed to stick to objects when prehighlighting but did not receive the message. We tried reducing the acceleration but that did not stop the problem. After reducing the acceleration a couple of notches, the drawing area of the screen would not appear, just the toolbars. So, in experimenting we found that keeping the acceleration on high and reducing the color from 32 to 16 bit allowed the program to run smoothly.

2003-12-23, 03:29 PM
I am also haveing similar problems. When I first installed 6.0 and turned on OpenGL acceleration the screen would not refresh. I was seeing the left over of my desktop in the drawing window. I have since turned it off and dont see any real preformance hit compared to 5.1 w/ acceleration. I have a Dell P41.8 1gb ram and a Nvidia Quadro2 MX. I would be interested to hear some advice from Autodesk.


2003-12-25, 02:57 PM
Merry Christmas!

I haven't got my issue solved yet. Any other folks have suggestions?


PS (Part of this is my unwillingness to reduce my monitor resolution--I keep hoping there is another way).

2003-12-25, 05:16 PM
The first thing I would try is to replace the video card...probably not an easy task in a laptop. 32MB Video RAM is not much these days. A better vid card will allow for higher resolutions, possibly eliminating this problem.

2003-12-26, 09:14 PM
So I lowered my monitor resolution and the problem is solved. So, with Video cards, is the ram critical, or the chipset? Or both? Anybody upgraded a Dell Inspiron 8200 video card before?



PS - still wondering what changed from 5.1 to 6.0 to create this problem. 5.1 was fine.