View Full Version : Wall tag not inserting where I want it to

2005-05-12, 05:57 AM
Hi all,
I have a wall tag which insists on being about about half a metre away from the face of the wall where I insert it. I tried moving it around in the family file without success. Can anyone tell me what dictates its insertion point? It doesn't seem to be the intersection of the ref planes cause I've tried that. Thanks.

2005-05-12, 06:39 AM
The box lines surrounding the text are set as weak references for a standard wall tag and will insert initially on the wall's centerline on placement, unless the leader is set ( leader length adjustable ) in which case the leader end inserts at the centerline.

2005-05-12, 07:43 AM
Thanks beegee. Yes I noticed the leader ending inside the wall but because the customized tag (office std) does not have a leader, that set me off. Thanks again.