View Full Version : Align elevations on sheets

2005-05-12, 03:59 PM
Hello all,

When I place elevations on a sheet I can align them horizontally using the green dashed association line. Is it possible to do the same vertically for, say, the North and South elevations aligning the centre of the geometry in each view? When I try this I do not get the green dashed line, any ideas?


2005-05-12, 04:56 PM
They should snap to the same level. Do your elevations share the same levels? If they don't then they won't snap to align...!

EDIT: sorry not sure if I interpreted your question correctly there. North and South elevations will snap into alignment to the same level (ie Up/Down). If you are placing the elevations above each other on a sheet and want them to snap to alignment Left/Right (ie East/West in your example) then all you need to do is place a grid line or reference plane in the model along the centerline. Then they will snap into alignment to it.

Am I making any sense to you?


2005-05-12, 05:55 PM
Views snap into alignment on sheets when entire coordinate axis of two views coincide. Such alignment has very little to do with any particular element, neither levels nor grids.

When North, South, East, or West elevations of the same scale are placed left/right to each other they could snap into alignment when same z condition is satisfied. Similarly south elevations of 1st and 2nd floor could snap-align if placed one under another (same x condition). Plans of 1st and 2nd floors would snap-align under each other as well (same x). Plans placed left/right can also snap (same y).

However I don't see how North and South elevations could snap-align under each other. The lines in the center of geometry don't really help because entire notion of center would change if geometry is added or deleted. I'd argue that alignment in these circumstances is not mathematically meaningful and user is better off doing it interactively based on aesthetic preferences.

Mr Spot
2005-05-12, 10:10 PM
We have found exceptions with this. When a file becomes large (or maybe because its been updated from earlier versions?) View titles will no longer snap align to each other...

2005-05-13, 03:30 PM
Hello Elrond,

You make perfect sense (even though when I re-read my own post it barely made sense to me).

I tried placing a grid-line (and ref plane) down the centre of the building then placed the elevations on a sheet they did not snap-align in place one above the other.

Hi Leonid
"...user is better off doing it interactively based on aesthetic preferences."
The more I think about it the more I agree with you. When I first thought of the problem I was working on a number of simple detached houses. It made sense to be able to snap-align the north / south elevations as the silhouette of the elevations was basically the same. Then again, up to a point, most north/south elevations would have the same x-extents value so it would be nice to be able to snap-align the centre of this value.

What does everybody else think?
