View Full Version : Openings and walls in Phases

2005-05-12, 07:28 PM

Do you think that in real life rising a house you have to put door and after that mountain a wall and make an opening for that door? Working with Phases in Revit I noticed that a door doesn't cut a wall if it is in a Phase after wall Phase. I want to use in my project the separate phase for walls and AFTER that install doors.
Have a look please for attached file. What do you think about that?

2005-05-12, 08:41 PM
You do not have the proper phase filter set for your view.
Use the "Show Complete" filter to show new and existing elements, but nothing else.
See the attached file.

2005-05-12, 08:48 PM
I don't think you want to set Phase Filter of your view to None. Did you mean to set it to 'Show Previous + New' ? If you keep Phase Filter as None then Revit understands it as your instructions to display both demolished and remaining portions of a wall without making a graphical distinction between the two. That results in a confusing picture.

2005-05-12, 09:06 PM
Thanks, Leonid. Your advice is great. Now I'm working for draft project and phases aren't so important for me and I don't inspect Phase filter settings right now. I have problems trying to select walls by window. Infilling elements don't allow me to change Phase in Properties window. And I think that door must cut a wall in any case. May be I'm wrong?