View Full Version : Export to Type Catalog - For David E.

2005-05-13, 03:59 AM
David has a door with a ton of types and want to know if he can export that to a type catalog for use on other doors???

2005-05-13, 05:25 AM
I've not attempted this, but you can export your project to a database using ODBC and download the element type tables in comma-delimited format, so theoretically you could produce the type cataloger that way

You can't export from a family to ODBC, so you have to load the family into a project and then export it. I'm not sure if the export then picks up all the types or just the instance that is in the project.

Someone could experiment with this.

2005-05-13, 05:50 AM
There's only one way of doing this efficiently with a large number of types without using the API. ODBC...

Here are the steps.

1.. Open a new project and load the family in question.Remove all other door families

2.. Make sure any shared parameters are loaded as project parameters (doors in this example)

3.. export via ODBC. I would suggest an Excel file for simplicity.

4.. Open the Excel file and you will find a tab called door types. Export this file as a csv file and rename it to filename.txt.


And that's it.


Just to clarify, you DO NOT need to place the doors in the project. Just load the family into a project. ODBC type tables contain all family types loaded into the project. The instance tables list those actually placed in a project.

2005-05-18, 02:29 AM
I tested the ODBC export and it does contain all the family types.

There is still a fair bit of cleanup required to get the worksheet into a type catalog format. You need to delete all the blank fields and convert meters to millimeters ( Aussie do anyway ) and reformat the header line, but if there are a large number of family types, it would probably still save time.

2005-05-18, 07:15 AM
I tested the ODBC export and it does contain all the family types.

Didn't you believe me Beegee :-)

You need to delete all the blank fields and convert meters to millimeters

Easiest way is to create new columns on a new sheet with formulae to convert.Then save the new sheet as the TC.

You need to delete all the blank fields

You can leave these and do a text replace on the csv file might be easier.


2005-05-18, 08:01 AM
Sorry Guy, I didn't see your edit till now.

2005-05-23, 09:40 AM
I am trying to export Shared parameters for Structural Framing to ODBC

The parameter I have added is Beam Length

This is defined under the category Structural Framing

I have added this parameter to the Project Parameters and selected the category Structural Framing

Structural Framing is not available as a "group under parameter", only Structural and Structural Analysis are available.

I have tried to Export to ODBC with Beam Length grouped under Structural and also with it grouped under other but I can not get the parameter to export to the ODBC file

Could this be because

There is a space in the parameter name
The parameter needs to be grouped under Structural Framing
(in which case how do I add this to the groups available)
Some other reason

Am I missing something obvious or has anyone experience similar problems?