View Full Version : RB 8.0 Dimensions in families display in dif. views

Nic M.
2005-05-13, 09:02 AM
I have several families in rel. 8 that have dimensions in elevation view
whom also show up in section.
Is this new functionality or bugsy?

2005-05-13, 12:27 PM
Sounds bugsy, but It is like this in rel (6.1)7.0 also

OOPS!!! ;)

Nic M.
2005-05-13, 12:45 PM
rel 7.1
You mean the Polish release Luigi ;-)

2005-05-13, 01:42 PM
You caught me, We in poland have a version you guys don't have, that is, we and the russians!!!! ;)

updated my previous post!!!! LOL

2005-05-13, 02:16 PM
I only get this behavior in upgraded families, if I create a new family in 8 this does not happen...i smell a bug

2005-05-13, 02:37 PM
I only get this behavior in upgraded families, if I create a new family in 8 this does not happen...i smell a bug
Is it a POLISH smelling bug or a RUSSIAN smelling bug???

2005-05-13, 02:39 PM
*sniff* *sniff* smells like a dirty pollock to me..........

2005-05-13, 03:03 PM
It's actually spelled Polakiem....funny, but that is how you call polish people in their language... You are a Polak isn't a negative thing here....Me, I am just a Daco....but where ever Daco Yugo.... am I getting tired???

2005-05-13, 03:04 PM
I should probably know this considering i'm half polish lol