View Full Version : Lines and Phasing

2005-05-13, 04:02 PM
I am having trouble getting my overhead/dashed lines to show up in my existing phase with filter set to show existing + demo. The existing lines are from an exploded AutoCAD underlay and the lines are model lines. I have tried several override settings both in VG and object styles, but the visibility remains as a solid line. This is not exclusive to lines either. Opening heads/ soffits/ and wall mounted casework show up as solid lines in the existing phase as well. All these solid lines make the drawing look confusing and hard to read. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


2005-05-13, 04:26 PM
It might be caused by the short distance of the dashed line. Sometimes I need to give a different line pattern to my line style (all under settings) to have it visible in my view... I am using meters, not imperial, and my dash line is 2,3813 mm and it works for most normal short lines to still show dashed.....but I still have some short lines that show as continuous