View Full Version : Coffer - Waffle type concrete slabs

2003-12-23, 07:16 PM
I'm about to start my first project in Revit. It's a 5,000 sf remodel of office area. I know about the suspended ceiling there is a concrete waffle ceiling/floor slab.

I'm sure Revit can create this, but I can't figure out how.

Allen Lacy
2003-12-23, 07:41 PM
Create a floor with overall thickness of system. Then use inplace families of voids to create "waffle" shapes out of floor. Use the cut geometry tool to cut voids out of floor. Voila!

2003-12-23, 07:51 PM
Thanks Allen I'll give that a try. I haven't tried using inplace families and viods yet, so I'll see what trouble I can get into.

Scott D Davis
2003-12-23, 08:04 PM
Use an in-place family solid to create the floor slab, and then use voids within that family to cut out the coffers.

Image example attached:

(Edit: Allen, you were quick on the Draw! <no pun>)


2003-12-23, 08:24 PM
Thanks for the examples. I can get the waffle to show but can you slope the waffle so that it goes from say 24" sq to 20" sq?

2003-12-23, 08:37 PM
Thanks for the examples. I can get the waffle to show but can you slope the waffle so that it goes from say 24" sq to 20" sq?

Try a blend :idea:

Scott D Davis
2003-12-23, 10:46 PM
Heres the tapered coffers, done a different way.

Created a normal floor, using the floor tool, picked the walls, then made a new floor type out of the generic 12" - called it Generic 24". Floor done. Now to create the tapered coffers, I created an in-place family void using the blend tool. Just before finishing the family after creating only one coffer, I selected the Cut Geometry tool, selected the floor, and then my void. This will cut the shape of one coffer out of the floor. Then finish the family. Now select the resulting coffer shape, and use the array tool to create the rest of the coffers! Nice, because now I can easily control the number of coffers in the array.

See attached JPG:


2003-12-23, 11:18 PM
Wow, thanks for the detailed steps. I'll try this when I get home and see if I can get it to work.

By the way, I can't thank everyone on this newgroup enough. With all your help I'm feeling pretty confident going into this project!

2003-12-23, 11:53 PM
Just for fun and to do it the hard way...

I made a structural beam which is simple a conc. channel. I then drew a series of beams going each way and then joined the geometry.

...which brings up another wish list item. To be able to join geometry on a whole bunch of objects at once. If we could do that then I'd rather make the coffer out of structural beams rather than in-place families.

2008-12-08, 06:42 PM
Heres the tapered coffers, done a different way.

Created a normal floor, using the floor tool, picked the walls, then made a new floor type out of the generic 12" - called it Generic 24". Floor done. Now to create the tapered coffers, I created an in-place family void using the blend tool. Just before finishing the family after creating only one coffer, I selected the Cut Geometry tool, selected the floor, and then my void. This will cut the shape of one coffer out of the floor. Then finish the family. Now select the resulting coffer shape, and use the array tool to create the rest of the coffers! Nice, because now I can easily control the number of coffers in the array.

See attached JPG:

can a simular process be done using a roof?

2009-01-04, 08:22 PM
Other way would be doing a slab edge.

1. Draw the profile
2. Create a slab edge with the profile you designed.
3. Place model lines on top of the slab and select them as hosts for the slab edge. (preferably first in one direction and then on the other)
4. Join both slab and edges.

Later if you need to change the shape, just change the profile of the slab edge.

Daniel Marais
2010-03-25, 04:03 PM
Heres the tapered coffers, done a different way.

Created a normal floor, using the floor tool, picked the walls, then made a new floor type out of the generic 12" - called it Generic 24". Floor done. Now to create the tapered coffers, I created an in-place family void using the blend tool. Just before finishing the family after creating only one coffer, I selected the Cut Geometry tool, selected the floor, and then my void. This will cut the shape of one coffer out of the floor. Then finish the family. Now select the resulting coffer shape, and use the array tool to create the rest of the coffers! Nice, because now I can easily control the number of coffers in the array.

See attached JPG:


Hi Scott, is there a possibilty that I can get this family from you please, sorry I see iam 7 years behind this post. And can you also please tell me if the family would work in Revit 2010.?

Thank in advance.

2010-06-10, 01:54 PM
How would one do this in Revit Structure?

I am quite new to Revit, so a step-by-step guide will be quite helpful
