View Full Version : Plan lines not visible by default in Elev/section

2005-05-16, 01:54 PM
I would really like room separation lines, actually all lines drawn in plan or ceiling plans and dwgs inserted in plans to not be visible by default in any vertical view, ie section elevations, details.

I"m constantly seeing "floating lines" in my elevations and section, I know these are model lines drawn in plan to indicate something. One example is cove lights or decorative trim on the ceilings. we use model lines for these things. I know I can put them on a diff linestyle then turn that off, but many times a new user will see a line while picking up redlines and delete it, not knowing they are affecting a floor or ceiling plan. Now I do see the need to be able to show such lines in elevation, for examle score lines drawn on the elevation. but in most cases I don't see the need to have every line automatically shown in these views. Like room separation lines I don't see any reason these would be selectable or visible in a section or elevation view.

Any thoughts, comments?

Scott Hopkins
2005-05-16, 05:30 PM
Whoops! I voted wrong. I meant not visible by default instead of visible by default.

2005-05-16, 07:57 PM
Whoops! I voted wrong. I meant not visible by default instead of visible by default.
Fixed your vote.

2005-05-16, 09:17 PM
How about another option - a radio button to switch between visible by default and invisible by default. I could see situations where I might want either option available to me.