View Full Version : An attempt was made to access filename.rvt past its end

2005-05-16, 02:25 PM
I was working on a project on Friday. It must be Monday today because when I tried to open it I got the following error message.

"An attempt was made to access grantsshowhome.rvt past its end"

Am I going to have to try and find a backup version of this on our server? Our IT guy is on holidays for a week...

Has anyone else had this error message?

2005-05-16, 07:35 PM
I have seen this and believe it had something to do with a problem during save over the network. I believe the file is useless. check its size, is it double the project size? Check with the factory, but I think its dead.

Hank Do Meo
2008-03-27, 08:41 AM
I have seen this and believe it had something to do with a problem during save over the network. I believe the file is useless. check its size, is it double the project size? Check with the factory, but I think its dead.

i want recover it? help me!

2008-03-27, 12:51 PM
Had this happen on another project recently, which had another Revit file linked in. Both Revit project had worksets activated. I believe I just reloaded the link after I made sure nothing was checked out in the linked central file, and the error message went away.

2008-11-17, 04:44 PM
I found the same error. In my case the problem is that the file was not finished uploading to the place I was downloading from. (FTP). I suspect once the file is done uploading that I will be able to download it and it will work fine.