View Full Version : Error Messages

2005-05-16, 11:15 PM
I would absolutely love it if when an error message popped up, it was actually informative. Example: "can't keep roof and wall joined" or "can't join geometry" or "can't make roof"--this is not enough information, could Revit perhaps tell me WHY? I can usually trouble shoot, but sometimes I end up feeling the need to beat my head against a wall after trying 50 different things and always getting the same message.


2005-05-17, 01:01 AM
Sounds good to me... I sometimes get frustrated with the lack of information as well...

2005-05-17, 08:54 AM
A more descriptive Error Message dialogue box would help greatly (for those of us who still make mistakes ;-) . I'm sure a lot of the old hands here don't make mistakes and therefore don't know what we are talking about.

Gadget Man
2005-05-18, 05:24 AM
I am the first to admitt, that I make lots of them! After all I am still learning (and admiring all those Gurus out there with their instant, smart and very helpfull tips)... And yes, the current error messaging is not very helpfull - especially for a novice! The paradox here is, that it is the NOVICE, who needs all help he/she can get (including - especially! - informative error messages)! An "old hand" knows most of the tricks in the book...

100% for it...!

2005-05-18, 09:40 AM
Could the error messages use the intelligence built into Revit? For example, if Room Tags were used, an error message might be something like this:

.... The wall between the LIVING ROOM and the KITCHEN ....
.... The EXTERNAL WALL to the north of the BEDROOM 2 ....


.... Door Tag ref G1-1 and north wall to LIVING ROOM ....

2005-05-18, 05:13 PM
Yes, this is exactly what I am talking about! It is an intelligent program, it should be able to give us more specific information about what is wrong.

2005-12-14, 07:31 PM
It would be nice to know why you get an error message. So when that little box pops up and you click on "Expand" there is an actual reason as to why you get the error, not just the elements that are causing an error. It's very frustrating to get that error and not know why you're getting it.