View Full Version : How to show a new wall finish over an existing wall?

2005-05-17, 02:24 PM
Okay let's say I have an existing building with brick veneer exterior, and I'm drawing an addition onto one side. To keep the construction simple, I want to simply add a layer of gyp. board over the existing brick on the interior of the new room, on the wall that used to be an exterior wall. Now I can draw the existing wall in the existing phase, and then draw a new "wall" that is only gyp. board (or gyp. on furring channels) in the new phase, no problem. But then, how do I show doors, either existing or new? Is there a way to make a door cut 2 directly adjacent walls, or do I simply have to resort to editing the profile of one of the walls (either the existing wall or the new layer)?

2005-05-17, 02:27 PM
Depending on when the door is inserted (existing phase or new phase) you would use the join geometry (or...cut geometry when the new wall is cutting the existing wall...) tool to allow the door to cut the other wall. Just click on the tool the one wall and then the other wall. If the door moves it will move parametrically for both doors...

J. Grouchy
2005-05-17, 02:27 PM
If you "join geometry" (the two walls), the door should then cut through both walls.

2005-05-17, 02:33 PM
Hey Luigi,
Can you elaborate? Exactly when do you use cut instead of join geometry?

2005-05-17, 02:42 PM
Hey Brad...I was quick in writing, and after I saw grave8E response realized I wrote a different tool that patricks needed. The Cut geometry tool ,though, can be used when the new wall is replacing the existing wall, if done in phasing the cut wall will show as demo...

2005-05-17, 02:50 PM
The Cut geometry tool ,though, can be used when the new wall is replacing the existing wall, if done in phasing the cut wall will show as demo...
Luigi, I'm still not following your statement. Are you saying that by using the Cut Geometry Tool you can have the openings for new phase doors/windows to show up as a hole to be "demolished" in a wall in the demo phase? As I would understand it, the doors/windows would already be cutting the wall, just not in the right phase.

2005-05-17, 03:03 PM
What I meant is that the "Cut Geometry" Tool is not what Patricks needed. The "Cut Geometry" tool would be used if the new wall is replacing a part of the existing wall (you don't have to split the wall and demo it) just cut the new wall from the existing wall. see attached

first image (existing wall with new wall) not cut yet
second image how the "complete" phase filter looks
third image how the "Show previous and new" phse filter looks

ps, this is taking a different direction than patrick's original post, I am not sure if this should be continued somewhere else?...

2005-05-17, 10:05 PM
Cut Geometry allows for two walls to be embedded, whereas Join Geometry produces a single entity. See images.

2005-05-18, 02:22 PM
Hey there,
Very interesting thread; however, to answer the original question...
Simply join geometry for your new furring over the existing wall. This function works for any two walls which are within 6" of each other and was added back in 6.0 or 6.1.

Great tutorials everybody. (They should probably be extracted/duplicated and listed separately from this thread so that a search would find them). Cut geometry is a very useful tool. It is also something that needs explaining. I still get confused by it's uses sometimes, like embedding curtain walls into other walls etc. Many uses, few tutorials.