View Full Version : HELP walls not joining properly!

2005-05-17, 04:10 PM
What is the deal with this thing? My walls were joining properly a few days ago, but now they're not. The thinner wall is metal studs with brick veneer, and the wider wall is pre-engineered metal building with brick veneer (the wall girt space is set as a metal stud layer in the wall type).

At the top corner in the attached image, the PEMB wall just runs past the stud wall and stops. At the lower corner, the brick on both stud walls actually joins, but nothing else does. This is very frustrating. The same thing happened at the exterior corners of the building (both PEMB walls) so a miter join worked okay for that, but if I set these to miter joins, it looks very wierd since the thickness of the metal stud layer is different on both walls.

2005-05-17, 07:35 PM
did you draw these walls a few days ago and they joined properly, and then came back and discovered that they had changed? or were the walls joining fine and now when you create new walls they do as your illustration shows?

I have had this happen on rare occasion

Sounds as if you have tried the edit wall joint tool. Have you scrolled through the butt joint options?

Try pulling the joint apart and then use the trim tool to put them back.

Once I had a project with a number of odd angles and the joints went wacky on me. I had to delete and redraw some of the walls to correct the problem. I hope you don't have to do that.

2005-05-17, 08:00 PM
Not sure on this since I don't use Revit, but I will take a stab at it anyway. There is a view setting to not allow joins of different wall types. If this is set, You will get the result you see, but setting it to allow all joins will get you want... I think.

2005-05-17, 08:10 PM
Do you have any walls above or below that might be overlapping these walls? I had a similar situation with wall joins in a series of walls where I had extended the outer masonry layer from the first floor down to the foundation. We later decided to change the lower courses to stone. The program wouldn't allow me to create a sweep below the base level of the wall so I just ran a short wall around the perimeter. The base extension and the short walls overlapped. For some reason this also messed up a number of the wall joins in the upper wall. I selected them all and reset the base extension to zero and all of the wall joins cleaned up again. To make a long story short :) I would look for some sort of overlap or other interference between walls.

2005-05-18, 02:24 PM
Well a few days ago the walls ran all the way up to the roof (with the brick) but then recently we decided to stop the brick at a certain height and go with a metal panel up higher as a cost-cutting measure. I do not like the stacked walls function, so I set the lower brick veneer wall (shown in my above pic) to a specific height, and then placed separate walls with metal panels above those which I then attached to the roof.

I did sometimes get a message about overlapping walls where the interior stud wall came together at the metal panel wall up above, but I don't see why that would affect the upper join in my pic (all exterior walls).

2005-05-18, 02:41 PM
Yeah, I don't understand why having walls overlapping at the base would mess up the corners either. I'm just glad that I was able to get things back to normal. My only guess is that since the walls touch each other and intersect in the same place Revit is trying to include all of the walls in its join solution. Since it's impossible to know what Revit is trying to do internally there is no obvious answer. I'm afraid that you'll just have to keep poking at it.

2005-05-18, 05:13 PM
I am having the same problem!!! I am getting tired of changing the wall joins, the only way I can correct them is to miter the joins


2005-05-18, 09:24 PM
The wierd thing is, it shows up fine in 3D and in elevation. The brick wraps continuous all the way around as it should in those views, but it doesn't appear to do so in plan view.

2005-06-07, 09:00 AM
Hi All,

I'll jump into this thread, I'm also having trouble with wall joins.
New project, draw 2 cavity walls in a Tee shape, the cavities won't join.
How do I make this work, the edit joins tool doesn't help.
I keep thinking, this is so basic how can it not work?

Thanks in advance,
Kim Heaver

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-06-07, 09:27 AM
When this sort of problem arises, it is generally due to an altered state of heights between the adjoining walls. This behaviour will certain take place if there are overlapping walls.
Common height constraints & NO Overlapping Geometry make successful wall joins, (of the same wall type).

2005-06-07, 10:16 AM
When this sort of problem arises, it is generally due to an altered state of heights between the adjoining walls..

These are the same wall type, same height, drawn in the same session.


Shaun v Rooyen
2005-06-07, 10:26 AM
Kim I don't understand your problem. Your wall join looks 100% correct. What is it you want it to look like?

2005-06-07, 10:34 AM
Kim I don't understand your problem. Your wall join looks 100% correct. What is it you want it to look like? I take it Kim wants the cavity to be continuous rather than both of the 2 skins of masonry on the out wall running through.

Have you tried dragging the vertical wall into the centreline of the horizontal wall?

Have you tried seperating the walls and using the trim function with the 'T' button and selecting the line of the cavity in the horizontal wall to extend (trim) the vertical wall to?

Best wishes, Elrond

EDIT: just check some walls in a project wioth the same scenario. They perform the same as yours! It might be a situation where you have to use linework over in a detail view if you want it correct.

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-06-07, 10:42 AM
Oh, Ok I get it. just send the structures out of the core boundaries. See att

2005-06-07, 11:04 AM
Oh, Ok I get it. just send the structures out of the core boundaries. See att OK thats the answer!!! Great tip Zeds!!!

2005-06-08, 12:05 AM
Thanks Zeds,

Thats close, but causes another problem.
The single internal walls then connects to the outer leaf.
I can set the join to don't clean and it will just butt to the inside leaf which seems as close as I'm going to get.
I wouldn't have thought it was such a difficult problem, maybe it something for the factory to look at.
They should update the help file with these problems too, it gives no help at all.

Thanks for all your help.

Paul P.
2005-06-08, 07:52 AM
You could use the disallow wall join function by selecting the edit wall joins button then selecting the end of the wall thats jumping to the other side of the cavity, this then gives you the options to allow wall joins or disallow them, select to disallow the join and pull the offending wall back to where you want it. Or alternatively you could use the the edit cut profile tool, a couple of suggestions that could possibly help.

Regards, Paul.

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-06-08, 08:28 AM
Kim this is an issue that has been since the beggining and wish would get resolved.
We have keep 2 types of the same wall 1 with wraps 1 without. then we split either side of junctions and change the inner part to 1 without wraps, just so that the interior walls join properly. It is such a mission. Paul is correct in using "disallow join" but the contratcor will read it as such, or query the issue.

Paul P.
2005-06-08, 09:09 AM
Zeds, you could use the join geometry tool to remove this line.

I've just tried the method you describe and it work really well, that's a new one for me, I will definitely be using that.


Shaun v Rooyen
2005-06-08, 09:39 AM
You da' man, Paul. Standing on that giant really helped!!!!!
It still should be addressed though?

Paul P.
2005-06-08, 10:03 AM
Totally agree, greater control over wall joins is a must.


2005-06-08, 01:45 PM
Please post simple models with just set of walls involved with unsatisfactory joins, so we could look at them. Thanks.

2005-06-08, 10:20 PM
Looks like you do not have functions set. Functions have priorities 1,2,3,4,5.
1 being the strongest. If you have them all set to the same number you will get the picture you have. If you set the outer layers to a higher number (lower priority) I think you will get what you want.

2005-06-09, 11:48 AM
I think I explained it correctly in this thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=18122)

2005-07-04, 01:15 PM
I 'm having the same problem with this
Is it possible to clean up the join between the internal wall and
the inner leaf of the external wall without changing the wall wrapping at the insert
so as to show a continous run?

2005-07-04, 10:37 PM
Is this the way you want it ?

2005-07-05, 08:47 AM
Is this the way you want it ?

Yes, but to keep the wrapping conditions at the insert
to show a cavity closer block instead of the insulation running straight through

2005-07-05, 10:30 AM
I spent a lot of time to find a workaround for this problem with no result.
This is another feature to be fix/improved.

I have to add also when v 7 was released with 2 wall closure for doors&windows, I hoped in some ways this could help to solve but I wasn't able to find a way.

2005-07-24, 02:50 AM
Ok this is great - i have learnt something when searching for an answer to an annoying wall joining problem where revit indeed thinks it knows best and blends a t intersection together!! Will solve that now with information from this thread.

My question is for Kim - do you really want the cavity to be continuous into the wall that is internal - didn't think this would be very good construction - where does the moisture go that gets into that wall - you can't have weep holes at the bottom - they'll weep into the other room! I thought if you want a cavity wall then the image you first posted would be the way it is built - so the functional cavity (ie creates a space for the moisture to accumulate and escape back to outside) is not broken across the wall join and keeps the moisture where it should be - on the outside.

An other option would be a double brick wall not cavity

2005-09-30, 03:14 PM
I have a similar problem with wall joints at small offsets in the wall (8-12 inches).
First, it is not possible to create the wall with the chain command, if the wall is thicker than the offset. I was able to get the joints right in most instances with trimming afterwards. However, they don't always stay that way and some I just can't get to trim and clean up at all. Very frustrating.