View Full Version : Change global elevation of project without physically moving it?

2005-05-17, 07:09 PM
Hi group,

Our project currently shows the base elevation at 0" or 0'-0". However I need to show that same elevation at 100'-0". I cannot afford to physically move the entire project (with all the referring details, sections, etc). Is it possible to just alter the global elevation so that the elevation/level lines show 100'-0" in additional to the level that is currently showing? Or is there another method to achieve this?


2005-05-17, 08:00 PM
In elevation view, Under settings>relocate project then pick anywhere and drag up and type 100

Note also if you look at the properties of the level tag there is a elevation property which can be either project(default) or other values, ie civil. So you can have one level tag that reads the true civil elevation and one that reads 100'-0"

2005-05-17, 08:30 PM
Thanks Scott - worked perfectly.