View Full Version : Files Freaking Out

2005-05-17, 08:12 PM
This started yesterday. Had like 2 files all crash on me every time they would open. Worked fine the last time I used them, and then nothin. Lucky I had recent back ups of them all.

Nothing else happened all of yesterday, and then it happened again. This time its on similar files, and I made the same exact change to all 4 of them.

All I did to these was erase the label, and then hit save.

First I'm goin to attach the bad files, and then ill repost the unchanged files.

I have been using 8 since the day it came out, and haven't had this problem, but if this is goin to be a reoccurring problem, then thats no good. And I'm assuming its a version 8 issue since i have never seen this until now.

This may not effect some of you, but it has me a bit freaked out that I can have a file take a **** that fast and not know it until the next time I open it.

2005-05-17, 08:16 PM
files downloaded from the web content

2005-05-17, 08:22 PM
just ran the same process, and it happens again. . . . :banghead:

2005-05-17, 08:40 PM
I had a family w/table with chairs (v6.1) for a school project brought it into 8. It would not let me render it. It would just crash Revit everytime. I finally deleted the family and will look to make it again in 8 to see if the problem persists.

2005-05-17, 08:57 PM
I had a family w/table with chairs (v6.1) for a school project brought it into 8. It would not let me render it. It would just crash Revit everytime. I finally deleted the family and will look to make it again in 8 to see if the problem persists.

this sounds like a previously fixed problem. Please make sure you are using either the build from the official CD, or the latest build available for download - 20050428_2300

2005-05-19, 04:36 PM
:!: I brought this up briefly in another post, but it was more of a side note.

For the 4th straight day I have had files corrupt on me. No warning, no reasoning. Example, I closed Revit to reboot my system and saved the file I was working on. When i went to open it, it just gives me a fatal error right at the beginning, and thats it, crashed out of Revit. Lost me about 1/2 hour of work.

I have had this happen on files as small as an annotation file and as large as a CD set for a 3k house. It has happened in different directories, and with files located on different servers.

Not a good thing!

I'm sure this is a factory note, but I wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone else has seen this issue.

J. Grouchy
2005-05-19, 04:46 PM
:!: I brought this up briefly in another post, but it was more of a side note.

For the 4th straight day I have had files corrupt on me. No warning, no reasoning. Example, I closed Revit to reboot my system and saved the file I was working on. When i went to open it, it just gives me a fatal error right at the beginning, and thats it, crashed out of Revit. Lost me about 1/2 hour of work.

I have had this happen on files as small as an annotation file and as large as a CD set for a 3k house. It has happened in different directories, and with files located on different servers.

Not a good thing!

I'm sure this is a factory note, but I wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone else has seen this issue.

This has happened a few times for me. Once when I was embedding one wall into another using "cut geometry" and a few times when I was just placing a window in a wall. Seems to have stopped, though...hasn't happened in quite some time even doing those same things again.

2005-05-19, 06:44 PM
I have had problems with previously created families in 7. In 8 they would crash when trying to render. Had to just delete them and make new ones.Knock on wood everything else seems fine.

Do you have any famileis you created from previous versions in your model? Try VG on them and reload the files

2005-05-19, 09:05 PM
make sure you have the latest build

2005-05-20, 02:05 PM
this sounds like a previously fixed problem. Please make sure you are using either the build from the official CD, or the latest build available for download - 20050428_2300

I have confirmed 100% that the problem was definitely addressed in the build mentioned below.

there was a web download build that had this issue (corrupting files when saving back) and it has been pulled within a day from its posting.

apologies for the inconvenience.

2005-05-20, 02:08 PM
I had a family w/table with chairs (v6.1) for a school project brought it into 8. It would not let me render it. It would just crash Revit everytime. I finally deleted the family and will look to make it again in 8 to see if the problem persists.

Could you please report this to Support?


we will gladly investigate and do our best to address the crash (or forward it to AccuRender developers if it is their problem).


2005-05-20, 02:26 PM
as I replied in a separate thread posted by you (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=19528), we are now 100% sure this is a problem with a previously posted bad web build.

apologies for the inconvenience, but we urge you to download the latest build.

if you need files fixed, please contact Support - the files without project sharing can be fixed easily.

2005-05-20, 06:38 PM
yeah, i found that, and i do need one file fixed ASAP. . .kinda hurtin for it right now. . .sent it last night and haven't heard back.

Thanks for your help. I installed the new build as well.

2005-05-20, 06:39 PM
I have confirmed 100% that the problem was definitely addressed in the build mentioned below.

there was a web download build that had this issue (corrupting files when saving back) and it has been pulled within a day from its posting.

apologies for the inconvenience.

yeah, i found that, and i do need one file fixed ASAP. . .kinda hurtin for it right now. . .sent it last night and haven't heard back.

Thanks for your help. I installed the new build as well.