View Full Version : Worksets and Linked RVT files - BUG ?

Phil Palmer
2005-05-18, 09:40 AM
Came across a bit of a problem yesterday that I would consider a Bug and would like to know if anyone else has had this issue.

We have a project made up of several separate units/buildings
Each separate building has worksets enabled.

One of us then wanted to 'link' the units into the overall 'MASTER' project and the user was NOT able to see hardly anything within one of the linked units.

On further investigation, I found that one of the users when creating worksets would uncheck the 'visibility in each view by default' as he required this functionality in his project.
That fine BUT when this building is LINKED into the master I have NO WAY AT ALL in setting the workset to be VISIBLE :-?

This is bad news as we had to then go back and amend the workset strategy for the unit by re-creating a new workset and moving the objects onto the new workset.

Found the problem and resolved it - I just don't think I should of had to do this :!:

Others ?

2005-05-24, 06:09 AM
I have a problem with visibility and linked workset-enabled files.
Which file do you link? the central file or the local file?
Irrespective of the on off setting for the workset it seems to show up in the host file as on.
Unlike phasing there seems to be no control over worksets of the linked file from the host file.
Could you explain in more detail how you fixed it?

2006-02-07, 12:29 AM
Came across a bit of a problem yesterday that I would consider a Bug and would like to know if anyone else has had this issue.

Others ?
Yup, I had that same problem.

Just like you, I had created the workset with the visibility default unchecked. Creating a new workset, making sure 'visible by default' was ON, deleting the old one and having Revit move all objects to the new workset, solved the problem.

The solution was fairly simple, but it took me a number of fruitless attempts at doing it the way it *should* work, before I searched the forum to find this solution.

Also, the way to partial load a linked file is rather cumbersome - Manage Links / Reload From / find the file / choose Specify worksets. I would prefer if we could select the visibility of linked worksets in the View Visibility box.