View Full Version : AutoDesk closes down RUGI?

2003-12-27, 12:55 AM
I asked Candy Ballinger [brmcandy@yahoo.com] if R.U.G.I. was shut down forever.

I got this from Candy today.

"It appears so. We knew that AUGI was going to merge RUGI into thier website, but we were supposed to help in the transition. We have not heard a word for months until we went to sign in file manager to do daily maintainence as usual. There is no more account for RUGI (Revit paid for the webspace) so I assume it is gone for good. I don't see it in AUGI either...."

The BIG question:
Who has all that important family content?

2003-12-27, 07:13 AM
Not being one who enjoys being "tied" to the internet, I downloaded all of the content from Rugi to my computer when first became aware of rugi. If there is a place for it somewhere, I will gladly upload it to a private ftp site...just not mine...I don't want to get dinged for excessive bandwidth! If anyone is interested, let me know...oh, and I merged it with all of my other files, so some of it is going to be redundant...

2003-12-27, 07:34 AM
That explains why I haven't been able to get onto Rugi. I looked into AUGI for families, but didn't see any...just a slow newsgroup.

John K.
2003-12-27, 03:28 PM
Just curious: how is this connected with Autdesk? Did they actually have a hand in the shutdown?

On a similar note, here's a link to another thread which, I think, could address this issue: http://www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8&highlight=

--from that thread:

I've used Gnutella [Limewire], WinMX, and KazaaLite for file sharing in the past. To save Zoog some server space, I'm considering placing my miscellaneous Revit families in my shared directory. These would be [i]families or harmless(?) objects only, as opposed to clients' projects & models.

Any thoughts or interest?

2003-12-27, 05:35 PM
Candy is correct in her statement that AUGI and RUGI will merge. That merge was supposed to happen before the end of RUGI's contract for webservices. I have contacted the people that were responsible for extending that contract the first time. However, like many other companies, Autodesk is closed over the holidays. I will look in to the possibility of extending the contract again as soon as possible after the holidays.

Just FYI, the reason for the delay has nothing to do with Autodesk, so the title of this post is misleading. We are making every attempt to give you all of the great features of RUGI, AUGI, and alt.cad.revit and the other NG's. That being said and the fact that everything is on a volunteer basis, it is taking longer than once thought.

2003-12-28, 01:02 PM

Consolidation would be great and I for one am looking forward to not have to monitor posts on three or more websites for Revit discussions, information exchange or gallery submissions.

What is a little confusing is Autodesk setting up autodesk.revit to replace alt.cad.revit. If I understood your post here, AUGI intends to become the new comprehensive site hosting the subject discussion groups and forums.

Is there a projected dated when we can expect this consolidation to happen and not loose the groups being merged till then? Is there a new format or added number of AUGI Revit forums that these groups will be merged? So many questions, so little time, so no more because it's Sunday and the New Year approaches.

From All of Us to All of You.

This time of year brings out good cheer,
For the Holidays and New Year.

So let the festive spirit abound,
And enjoy those loved that are around.

Yet not forget those who cannot be,
Who's love in past brought us glee.

We wish you and your family all ,
The best of the Holidays about to call,

A New Years throughout of good health,
where deeds and love are measured wealth.

That strife and hunger of nations cease,
and all mankind enjoy a millennium of peace.

:D Good Luck and have fun with Revit. Also, let me wish you and your family a Happy Holiday and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year. May all the Nations find Peace and all the People be free from Strife and Hunger.

2003-12-29, 06:58 AM
I will be able to answer your questions better after the break plus a little bit of time to reconcile the old and new years...

Happy New Year to all, I am looking forward to some great things to come this year...