View Full Version : wall joins for stacked walls

2005-05-18, 05:47 PM
OK, i'm sure i saw a thread on this, but i can't find it. Having trouble in RB-8 with stacked walls. I have a user who made a wall w/ a foundation and footing as part of the stacked wall. Nice wall section already drawn, but the corners won't join right.

We have tried changing wall joins to miters, etc... problem is the thinner walls in the stack won't join correctly. See attached thumbnails and file:

Any suggestions? do i have to make 2 separate walls?

2005-05-18, 09:26 PM
Hah this is why I don't like stacked walls. I tried it in one project and after banging my head against a wall enough times trying to get walls to join correctly, I changed them back to regular walls with just a sweep for the wainscot portion of it.

I'm also having a problem with wall joins in a current project, and it appeared to happen when I stacked separate walls on top of each other, because I was trying to avoid using a stacked wall.

2005-05-18, 10:09 PM
Have a look at THIS THREAD (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=116558#post116558) and particularly Tamas’s comments.

>>We know about this interior-exterior clean up problem, but have not fixed it yet. It occurs when one interior wall joins to two stacked exterior walls. As a workaround you may split the interior wall horizontally where the two ext walls meet. (To get rid of the split line, use join geometry between the just split halves.)

Otherwise your wall looks fine to me. I do not see any problems with the layers or roof attachment (at least in Revit 8 ), so I am not sure what kind of advice are you looking for.

I am not an architect, so maybe others can chime in.


Breaking up the stacked exterior walls will not clear int-ext joins. As I said, it is a bug we have not fixed yet. It is unrelated to the new "Stacked Wall" type. Instead of manually splitting your interior walls, you may use a stacked wall type for them with similar heights as the ext walls they are joining to. (That saves the manual join geometry as well. . I know, this is still a workaround, but could be usable.

Properly joining wall reveals requires great picking skills (snapping helps). The blue controls for their curves must exactly meet for the join. (Implementing trim is in the queue, but not at the top yet.) So you can play with dragging the reveals to meet. You may have to flip them to become joinable. (Think of a picture frame.)

As for the exterior corners of the stacked walls not joining properly: Break up helps, or you may wait for the next build of 8.0. The fix did not make it into the just released build. Sorry.

Using sweeps instead will not stop the wall from extending to the roof. Besides, sweeps have a fixed profile and, as I see, your top sheating needs to adjust to follow the roof slopes.


2005-05-19, 12:22 PM
I was hoping Tamas's answer didn't apply here, since the join problem is not with interior - exterior walls but just with stacked walls of the same type joining to each other. I hope they do a hotfix for this, it's a big inconvenience!

Phil Palmer
2005-05-19, 01:12 PM
I just took your file - re-created the stack wall and it works.

R U on the latest build ? - 20050428_2300

2005-05-19, 01:17 PM
doh! i thought that since it came in the purple box it was the good one! guess it's time to re-upgrade all 40 #*%$@ seats!