View Full Version : Title block - scale "As Indicated"

Adam Mac
2005-05-18, 11:26 PM
Hi all.....

Is there an override for the default "as indicated" notation that appears in my titleblock?
I'd like the choice (i know, i know.... how dare i?) as to what shows there
e.g. we use "as shown @ A1" (2,3 etc.)

Can this be done.....easily?



2005-05-19, 12:40 AM
You have to place dumb opaque text over the " As Indicated "

Martin P
2005-05-19, 12:48 PM
I have created dumb scale annotations on the titles - the text for the scale is dumb but the title names etc are lables, I have one for 1:50 (1:100@A3) etc etc attached one for you to see. But you HAVE to remember to change them if you change the view scale!!! Usually once we have decided on a view scale though it wont change very often. You could even make the first part a label so at least it always reads correct if you forget to change them.

Take the scale off your title block all together - if its under each view you dont need it, especailly if all its says is as indicated - that just means "look under each view!"

2005-05-19, 03:00 PM
Hey there,

You might consider also, adding text instance based parameters to you titlblock family.
I have done this for certain things which need to be "on" or "off" in each sheet, such as a "Preliminary, Not for Construction" or "Approved by: ________ ", my seal, City Approval Stamps, etc.

You could set up each scale as an instance based text parameter that you simply select in the properties dialoge box. (You could even add one for "no scale shown", or "as shown".)

Might be worth it to you if it is something you use on every titleblock. If not, just have this titleblock labeled differently so that you can use it only when needed. (I have 4 main titleblocks available, one for Cover Sheets, one for details w/ grid layout and the other two for Presentations vs CD's.

Good luck

Adam Mac
2005-05-19, 11:41 PM
Thanks guys for your replies - as always this forum is very helpful!
I do find it annoying that you can't actually set your own "default" text
for the scale parameter....such is life!
Good point about the fact that "as indicated" may-as-well not be there.

Thanks again.

2005-05-19, 11:59 PM
The problem with not having " as indicated " there, is that then you must use dumb text for every sheet in the set. I prefer to leave it and paste over just those sheets , with the other sheets taking care of themselves.