View Full Version : Gmail for file storage?

2005-05-19, 11:54 PM
I am thinking of using a gmail account for storage of files - both as a backup facility and also to enable access from other computers that I may be working on.

I understand that there are some privacy issues (gmail texts are scanned for key words), but would there be any possible access to the Revit files, or any other downside for my cunning plan?

2005-05-20, 03:02 AM
There's not much privacy breach if you see ads related to the content of the message. The issue is on a different scale: whether you trust Google to keep your files private and intact. You also would have to trust yourself to pick a good password and change it regularly.

About files staying intact, the Google's proposition (with reputation on the line) is that your mail will stay live forever. Given their fearsome server farms, they could keep the promise, too.

About privacy, use something like PGP to encrypt the files.

But - the big issue you will face is that the attachment limit is 10 MB. So you'll have to slice your projects pretty thinly.

2005-08-26, 06:35 PM
Sorry to resurrect this, but I have just come across www.roamdrive.com which will let you drag and drop files into a window, and then roamdrive will save a copy of the file to a gmail, or other online email account.

It is much better than trying to attach files to emails, and its just like having an extra 2.5GB drive on your PC for backups - plus your files are accessable from anywhere with an internet connection.

I have not had any problems with saving files over 10mb either.

Chirag Mistry
2005-10-11, 01:09 PM
I just ran across another similar program - GMAIL Drive
Check it out, http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/E-mail/Mail-Utilities/GMail-Drive-shell-extension.shtml