View Full Version : Exporting a Model to Acad and then importing to a family

2003-12-30, 08:40 AM
This was talked about, and I am trying it but the results aren't great. I am currently running ADT3 (I have Acad 2004 but haven't had time to install it). The problem is specifically with materials. I thought that they would remain, but instead they import as "render material...." not a huge deal I just thought it was slicker then that. Also the wall objects don't come back in nice and mitered. Is this better in Acad 2004?

I am creating several cupolas in a seperate project that I plan to import into the main project. It would be ideal if I could simply save the cupolas as groups and then import then in the main project, BUT the groups tend to lock their elevations so that I cannot adjust the cupolas vertically

Any better Ideas for this? I would have created a family but families don't have walls and this makes multiple inserts a pain.

2003-12-30, 01:51 PM
accurender material assignments in autocad will come thru, viz materials or other software wont.