View Full Version : Learning to Post

2005-05-23, 08:53 PM
Aaaaaahhhhhhh yes, my dear, it's like riding a bicycle - once you learn how, you never forget. So, be brave, jump in and get both feet wet.

Just remember, there are two rules to posting:
1. You can't do anything wrong.
2. If you do, someone will dang sure let you know.

Right, guys?

2005-05-23, 09:09 PM
Aaaaaahhhhhhh yes, my dear, it's like riding a bicycle - once you learn how, you never forget. So, be brave, jump in and get both feet wet.

Just remember, there are two rules to posting:
1. You can't do anything wrong.
2. If you do, someone will dang sure let you know.

Right, guys?
You're catching on quick.

Brian Myers
2005-05-24, 03:08 AM
Truer words have never been spoken...

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 02:10 PM
Aaaaaahhhhhhh yes, my dear, it's like riding a bicycle - once you learn how, you never forget. So, be brave, jump in and get both feet wet.

Just remember, there are two rules to posting:
1. You can't do anything wrong.
2. If you do, someone will dang sure let you know.

Right, guys?

Who um, are you refering to? Whoever you are, these statements are true, but don't let it scare you. We are all harmless. :mrgreen:

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 02:34 PM
2. If you do, someone will dang sure let you know.

I can name a few people who are reliable in this department. *wink wink* (you know who you are)

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 02:51 PM
I can name a few people who are reliable in this department. *wink wink* (you know who you are)

What, are you looking in a mirror? :-)

2005-05-24, 03:00 PM
We are all harmless. :mrgreen:
At least when we remember to take our medication. :mrgreen:

Ok, who needs a refill? :beer:

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 03:07 PM
What, are you looking in a mirror? :-)

I only focus on grammatical and spelling errors...and any mistakes that Cee makes.

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 03:16 PM
I only focus on grammatical and spelling errors...and any mistakes that Cee makes.

You mean any and all.

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 03:31 PM
You mean any and all.

You're wrong...

oh wait...maybe not

2005-05-24, 03:32 PM
You're wrong...

oh wait...maybe not
Well...? Did she make a mistake (gasp) or not?

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 03:39 PM
You're wrong...

oh wait...maybe not

Ok, we can do the kindergarden thing...

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are.

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are.

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are.
Or you can just tell the truth...

No, I'm not.

2005-05-24, 03:40 PM
At least when we remember to take our medication. :mrgreen:

Ok, who needs a refill? :beer:


Let's wait until they actually make it into CWC before we scare them away (you know, once they are in, they can never get out :evil:

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 03:46 PM
Ok, we can do the kindergarden thing...

Or you can just tell the truth...

No, I'm not.

Is it just me or is it generally accepted that it's great fun to push Cee's buttons?

*yes you are*

2005-05-24, 03:47 PM

Let's wait until they actually make it into CWC before we scare them away (you know, once they are in, they can never get out :evil:
That explains why I can't find the door.....

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 03:50 PM
Is it just me or is it generally accepted that it's great fun to push Cee's buttons?

*yes you are*

Well I am glad you are enjoying yourself.

*No I'm not.*

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 03:53 PM
Well I am glad you are enjoying yourself.

*No I'm not.*

Nah. I don't feel like it today.

*maybe you really aren't* there...happy? you wore me down.

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 03:57 PM
Nah. I don't feel like it today.

*maybe you really aren't* there...happy? you wore me down.

Mwahahaha. :veryevil: Like it's that hard to do. Besides you should know by now, I'm a woman and woman are never wrong.
Oh dear lord...

2005-05-24, 03:58 PM
Mwahahaha. :veryeveil: Like it's that hard to do. Besides you should know by now, I'm a woman and woman are never wrong.
Oh dear lord...
I'll keep that in mind...

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 03:58 PM
Mwahahaha. :veryeveil: Like it's that hard to do. Besides you should know by now, I'm a woman and woman are never wrong.
Oh dear lord...

you spelled evil wrong

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 04:02 PM
you spelled evil wrong

I don't even know what to say, I am laughing so hard. You even brought tears to my eyes. And you say to have to watch yourself around me. :p Maybe I should use spellcheck more often.

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 04:07 PM
I don't even know what to say, I am laughing so hard. You even brought tears to my eyes. And you say to have to watch yourself around me. :p Maybe I should use spellcheck more often.

If I could make just one person laugh, one person smile, my day has meaning and value.
:Puffy: my mere presence and acknowledgment of you gives your day value, right?

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 04:10 PM
If I could make just one person laugh, one person smile, my day has meaning and value.
:Puffy: my mere presence and acknowledgment of you gives your day value, right?

Are you being cocky or are you really that full of yourself?

How'd you know?

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 04:26 PM
Are you being cocky or are you really that full of yourself?

How'd you know?

Can't I be both?

**i have strange powers**

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 04:28 PM
Can't I be both?

**i have strange powers**

Should I say it? Do I dare? OK.
You are a man, it's inevitable. :grin:

Now you are starting to scare me.

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 04:32 PM
Should I say it? Do I dare? OK.
You are a man, it's inevitable. :grin:

Now you are starting to scare me.

Don't worry, I'm harmless...a puddytat. In real life I would never be so bold.

well...i'll let you keep guessing

2005-05-24, 04:32 PM
Should I say it? Do I dare? OK.
You are a man, it's inevitable. :grin:

Now you are starting to scare me.
. o O (Maybe she doesn't like men...)

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 04:35 PM
Don't worry, I'm harmless...a puddytat. In real life I would never be so bold.

well...i'll let you keep guessing


. o O (Maybe she doesn't like men...)
Not any of the ones that I have had, no. Still waiting for one that is likeable.
No, I am not into chics.

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 04:38 PM
. o O (Maybe she doesn't like men...)

you and your silly 'thought bubbles'... . o O (why doesn't he just say it?)

2005-05-24, 04:39 PM
you and your silly 'thought bubbles'... . o O (why doesn't he just say it?)
. o O (Maybe men can't read minds, afterall...)

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 04:40 PM
Not any of the ones that I have had, no. Still waiting for one that is likeable.

Just "likeable"? Those are not very high standards. I figured you to be pickier when it came to deciding who you'd allow to lick your boots....err...spend your days with.

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 04:43 PM
Just "likeable"? Those are not very high standards. I figured you to be pickier when it came to deciding who you'd allow to lick your boots....err...spend your days with.

Well, considering I am having a hard enough time finding one that is likeable, once I do, maybe then I can raise my standards...
Lick my boots :lol: You are funny.

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 05:05 PM
Well, considering I am having a hard enough time finding one that is likeable, once I do, maybe then I can raise my standards...

Good luck...is it slim pickin's in Wyoming?

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 05:06 PM
Good luck...is it slim pickin's in Wyoming?

Well considering I don't have a coat of wool or talk in "Baa".

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 05:08 PM
Well considering I don't have a coat of wool or talk in "Baa".

OUCH! You've got style, Cee

Li'l Crys
2005-05-24, 05:10 PM
OUCH! You've got style, Cee

Uh...Thanks. I think.

2005-05-24, 05:34 PM
That explains why I can't find the door.....
Like you'd really want to, anyway? ;)
there is no escape!

2005-05-24, 05:34 PM
Like you'd really want to, anyway? ;)
there is no escape!
You mean resistance is futile?

2005-05-24, 05:42 PM
You mean resistance is futile?
Exactly. All will be assimilated.
boy, that sounds familiar...

J. Grouchy
2005-05-24, 05:45 PM
Exactly. All will be assimilated.
boy, that sounds familiar...

all threads converge to a single post...like the big bang in reverse.

2005-05-24, 05:50 PM
all threads converge to a single post...like the big bang in reverse.
Aha! You figured it out. We're reverse-engineering the universe.

2005-05-31, 02:40 PM
Aaaaaahhhhhhh yes, my dear, it's like riding a bicycle - once you learn how, you never forget. So, be brave, jump in and get both feet wet.

Just remember, there are two rules to posting:
1. You can't do anything wrong.
2. If you do, someone will dang sure let you know.

Right, guys?
Don't let the banter scare you off - these guys really are harmless. They just need to get out of their cubes more often!

Welcome to our little world!

2005-05-31, 02:54 PM
Don't let the banter scare you off - these guys really are harmless. They just need to get out of their cubes more often!

hey! I resemble that remark! ;)

2005-05-31, 03:36 PM
Don't let the banter scare you off - these guys really are harmless. They just need to get out of their cubes more often!
Hey, I only partially resemble that remark! (no cube)

2005-05-31, 03:47 PM
Hey, I only partially resemble that remark! (no cube)

Cube? That's more a state of mind.

2005-06-14, 09:22 PM
Mwahahaha. :veryevil: Like it's that hard to do. Besides you should know by now, I'm a woman and woman are never wrong.
Oh dear lord...
Except when they type woman instead of women

2005-06-15, 03:15 PM
Except when they type woman instead of women
Don't you listen? Women are never wrong!

psst, C, the next time you go all ranty and scary, it would help to spell your rant correctly...just a thought...

J. Grouchy
2005-06-15, 03:30 PM
Except when they type woman instead of women

oh man...it's MY job to catch li'l crys's spelling errors... bummer.

2005-06-15, 03:50 PM
oh man...it's MY job to catch li'l crys's spelling errors... bummer.
Sorry ...

you did catch her on her ":veryevil:" though so I thought you were done proofing it.

I'll leave it to the pros next time.

J. Grouchy
2005-06-15, 03:52 PM
Sorry ...

you did catch her on her ":veryevil:" though so I thought you were done proofing it.

I'll leave it to the pros next time.

kidding, of course. i've been lax about is lately...so anyone who can pick up the slack is appreciated.

2005-06-15, 04:12 PM
kidding, of course. i've been lax about is lately...so anyone who can pick up the slack is appreciated.
Just to catch you as well and make it fair ... did you mean to type "lax about it lately" instead of "lax about is lately" ... I thought you might.



J. Grouchy
2005-06-15, 04:15 PM
Just to catch you as well and make it fair ... did you mean to type "lax about it lately" instead of "lax about is lately" ... I thought you might.



well at least it isn't technically a spelling error...