View Full Version : BEAM & COLUMN EDGE

2005-05-24, 07:30 AM
Can't get it right...I want to align the edge of the beam to the edge of the column. It doesn't meet, it alway snap at the center otf the Column,,,,Please see the attacment..

Please help...


2005-05-24, 08:27 AM
I don't understand how structural families work either but I think you'll have to edit the beam family to make the model of the beam longer so that in appears to do what you want.

2005-05-24, 02:22 PM
Revit has decided that structural elements should be displayed graphically as they would be shown on a structural steel drawing. With a gap between elements. In their wisdom they decided that all structural elements should be displayed as if they are structural steel, even if they are not steel. (Duh) This causes lots of problems for folks that do not want their elements shown in this manner. There have been many complaints about this but they have fallen on deaf ears apparently. We were told that concrete elements had been modified in R8 to perform in a more reasonable manner (connecting to each other). I would have a look through the user guide to see if there is some arcane setting that you need to change to get these to connect. Send it to subscription support and see what they say.


2005-05-27, 01:36 AM
ok thanks,....i think I should not expect everything in Revit is perfect..and should find a ways how to tweak....and hope,wait for the future release..

2005-05-27, 02:19 AM
Concrete beams will join to concrete walls, beams, columns, or foundations with cleaned intersections in RB8

2005-05-27, 02:35 AM
I have found that the structural elements work a lot better if you have a grid set up. You can use the grid to place your beams. This avoids having to drag them into place. There is a good section in the user manual that is worth reading through. The beams and columns actually work pretty well if you use the grids.
