View Full Version : Linked RVT Files

Chris DiSunno
2005-05-24, 03:31 PM
If you have a two building project and link BLDG1.rvt into BLDG2.rvt is there a method of allowing the SHEETS from BLDG1.rvt to be printed in the "Master Project"?

May be that is how it should be set up. BLDG1 and BLDG2 inserted into a third "Master Project" to see all the sheets and project. Then each building is edited in its own Revit file.

It is too bad that linked files are not more flexible. This came about because I have a house and garage w/ similar but different levels. I can't hide particular levels in the views created from the linked file. It is all or nothing.

2005-05-24, 09:46 PM
There is no way to print the sheets from the child file,in the parent file, but can't you just print from each project with the necessary sheet numbering and "blank " details and callouts for the correct references that may apply ?