View Full Version : Ceiling Height in Schedules

Kirk Bricker
2005-05-25, 03:47 PM
Ceiling height should be an automatic parameter that is out of the box.

I have created some shared parameters through door families (HM, WD, V, F, Fire Rating, ALUM), ceiling is not a family.

How do you tie the ceiling height, and ceiling type to the schedule (Height offset from level?), how about floor types, carpet & vct?

The past 7 projects that we have drawn in Revit, we have been inserting the ceiling height ,ceiling type, and floor type manually. I would hope that most of this stuff should be auto insert through parameters some how.

(Scratching my head)

The tutorial on parameters is really basic.



2005-05-25, 09:49 PM
For a flat ceiling try this:-

make a ceiling based generic model of an invisible line and then have an instance parameter which is the dim from ceiling to ref plane below. This should 'read' the floor to ceiling height when placed.