View Full Version : Wall Type Graphic

2005-05-26, 09:36 PM
Many of our projects traditionally illustrate fire rated walls in plan by placing a certain line-type within the wall. For instance, a 0ne-hour rated wall will be shown with a dashed line in the middle (see attached).

How can I create wall types in Revit that use line patterns (dashed, dash-dot, etc.) to represent rated walls? Ideally, I would select a new wall type to draw and the symbol line will trace along inside it. It should also show up when the detail level is set to "coarse" since these plans are typically drawn at 1/8" scale.

Any thoughts?

Scott D Davis
2005-05-26, 09:58 PM
Yep! We need that too! It's been a wishlist item, but should be brought back to life!

2005-05-26, 10:00 PM
If you’re happy to use color, you can define different solid fills to represent the fire ratings ( grey = 1 hour, red =1 1/2 hr etc )

Otherwise, you’ll need to use a fill pattern for each of the fire rated types.

A single line can't be part of a defined wall style, but a fill pattern can.

Use fill patterns, calling them 1 hour fill, 2 hour fill etc. Then defining new materials called 1 hour, 2 hour etc and assigning the fill patterns to the cut pattern of the material. Then define your wall types so that, say a I hour fire rated stud wall is made from a core material called 1 hour. It can still have finishes shown around the core.

When drawn, the wall will display the correct fill pattern for different stud widths and graphically represents the fire rating.

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-05-26, 10:18 PM
This has come up before Beegee but the problem with the fill solution is that you are pretty much limited to cross hatch patterns because Revit still doesn't rotate hatch patterns within a wall as it goes around a corner.

I used to use a single line with a heavy pen weight in the days of ACAD. I would still like to have this ability in Revit because it's a very quick and readable way to identify ratings. In the meantime, color or shades of grey is the way to go.

2005-05-27, 12:00 AM
I guess for now the quickest way to work around this is to use detail lines and select the center of the walls using the pick tool. These detail lines can be locked to the wall so if the walls get adjusted down the road, the rating symbol line will move with them. This is a bit of a pain at door and window openings where the lines will have to be drawn to either side of the opening, aligned to the center of the wall and then locked.

Thanks for the replies.

Phil Palmer
2005-05-27, 07:12 AM
It amazes me at times that Revit has not implemented a better way of dealing with this.
It must of been on most peoples wishlist for years now !

We need ways of producing plan layouts in not only displaying Wall Fire Ratings but also for example Wall Acoustic ratings etc. Tagging walls is not the answer in my opinion as its just not clear.
A simple method of colouring walls as can be achieved with Coarse mode fill is required to accomplish this. Somehow we just need a way of adding further 'display' options for walls.

2005-05-27, 10:15 AM
I've struggled with tis one too and have looked at workarounds, but without a tool to render different wall types in a plan in different colours or a tool to sue use text in a line type it become pretty difficult.