View Full Version : Dimension Question

2005-05-26, 10:54 PM
I trying to put 'varies' in the dimension.
Is this possible?

2005-05-26, 11:02 PM
Select the dimension, go to Properties, enter "varies" as suffix ( or prefix )

Scott D Davis
2005-05-26, 11:04 PM

1. Cover the dimension text with regular opaque text that says VARIES
2. Edit the Dim Properties, and add a Suffix that says VARIES. Your dimension will then be something like 4'-0" VARIES.

2005-05-26, 11:22 PM
Thank you.

2005-05-27, 11:54 AM
Be careful. If you have a string of dimensions, then add a suffix, all of the dimensions on that string are labeled with your suffix.

2005-05-27, 11:38 PM
Be careful. If you have a string of dimensions, then add a suffix, all of the dimensions on that string are labeled with your suffix.When you have a string of dimensions, you create another instance of the particular dimension ( for an opening or whatever ) , add the suffix and drop that instance dimension directly over the one already in the string. When finished- it reads exactly the way you want it too.