View Full Version : Latest Build Download Error!?

Les Therrien
2005-05-27, 02:41 PM
I've downloaded the latest build (4 times now) and for the most part everything seems to be OK.
However, when downloading the cab files I get an error stating 1 of 10 files could not be downloaded. Revit then ask if I want to try again but then I get an error saying "file could not be loaded. The server replied with error code 404".
I've tried overwriting the existing version of Revit 8 a couple of times, and I've also tried doing a complete uninstall then downloading. The result is the same.
I'm guessing the file may not be the most important in the world, but the problem is there regardless.
Has anyone else experienced this?

Les Therrien
2005-05-27, 04:25 PM
just me I guess?

David Sammons
2005-05-27, 04:28 PM

I experienced the same problem. Each time I open Revit, I am prompted to download these files but I still receive the same error message each time I attempt a download.


2005-05-27, 05:17 PM
me too. so what is the remedy?

Les Therrien
2005-05-27, 05:48 PM
I was hoping you'd tell me! :-D

2005-05-27, 06:15 PM
Is the error message you're getting that you are missing "FRAIMP TEMP". If so I believe that is the French template, If you don't speak French or live in Quebec you should be fine. The next time you get the message select "cancel" and it will go away.

Les Therrien
2005-05-27, 06:36 PM
I do speak french, but I'm not using the french version.
I will ignore it.
I will assume there will always be another build right around the corner ;-)

2005-05-27, 08:43 PM
Its trying to load building 8, imperial templates. getting back error 404, and this morning I got error 0.

Les Therrien
2005-05-27, 09:37 PM
I wonder what error we'll get tomorrow?

2005-05-28, 02:56 AM
There is a sticky thread in this forum titled "Tips for Installing Autodesk Revit Building 8 using the Web Installer " it appears to address several of your concerns.... I would have quoted it but it is rather lengthy :)