View Full Version : Favorites in File Select dialog windows

2005-05-27, 05:22 PM
There is a panel on the left side of the file select dialog window (Open, Save as, Load Family and other commands). I'd like to place the links to my favorites projects and files on this panel. This feature is in AutoCAD and I miss it in Revit.

2005-05-27, 05:57 PM
I miss this from autocad as well - it was a nice feature, and I'd like to see it added to Revit (for that matter, I'd like to see Microsoft add it as the standard open dialog box in Windows.

While not as convenient, you can place favorites/shortcuts in the open dialog box by going to Settings>Options>File Locations and adding "Libraries". You can use any folder you want to as a library - custom library families, project folders, any folder you want.

2005-05-27, 07:42 PM
...if Revit has "gone corporate" on support, release date and NFR's. They should go corporate on the open dialog too and standardize with the rest of the apps.

Scott D Davis
2005-05-27, 08:22 PM
It would be nice to drag-n-drop like AutoCAD, but as irusun said, it can be done through Settings>Options.

If you make a folder on your computer or network, and put all of your shortcuts in it, then you make one path to the folder in Settings>Options. Then when you click that folder in the Panel, all your shortcuts appear. Double-click a shortcut to go right to that folder. To me, this is quicker than a long list in the Panel.

2005-05-27, 09:35 PM
Nice tip Scott - that works pretty cool.
I've been using desktop shortcuts to various project folders for years, but I never thought to organize them like that for Revit.

If you make a folder on your computer or network, and put all of your shortcuts in it, then you make one path to the folder in Settings>Options.

2005-05-27, 09:55 PM
If you do File - Open and then pick the folder that has your shortcuts this doesn't work as Revit is looking for a file it can open. How do you get around this? Sounds like a good idea if I can get it to work.

2005-05-27, 10:30 PM
Hmmm, not sure what you could be doing wrong... I know I've run into the same issue with certain (generally older) software... but it seems to be working fine for me in Revit...

Steps I used:
In Windows Explorer: Create a new folder named "Revit Shortcuts" in My Documents. Go to a project folder and right-click on project folder and select copy. Go to "Revit Shortcuts" folder. Right-click Paste as *Shortcut*.
In Revit: Settings>Options>File Locations. Add new library - browse for "Revit Shortcuts". OK. Should now be viewable and work when in "open" dialog box.

If you do File - Open and then pick the folder that has your shortcuts this doesn't work as Revit is looking for a file it can open. How do you get around this? Sounds like a good idea if I can get it to work.

2005-05-27, 10:38 PM
Thanks for sharing your method, it works great. I used a command to start explorer in a certain folder. That doesn't work.


2005-05-28, 03:10 PM
It would be nice to drag-n-drop like AutoCAD, but as irusun said, it can be done through Settings>Options..To open files I use almost the same method - double click on file in Windows Explorer. On left panel of Explorer I have a dirrectory tree and file list (not icons!) on right one. Explorer in this view give me a full imagination of the project. But I can't use dag-n-drop to load families. It will be great to load families by dragging on drawing area of revit and open families when you grag files on Revit tool panel, like in AutoCAD!

If you make a folder on your computer or network, and put all of your shortcuts in it, then you make one path to the folder in Settings>Options. Then when you click that folder in the Panel, all your shortcuts appear. Double-click a shortcut to go right to that folder. To me, this is quicker than a long list in the Panel.I'm absolutely agree with Scoot and I use this way too. But for some my colleagues this method looks like very intricate. And they like to use standard way of creating favorites icon just by dragging folder to panel.

Scott D Davis
2005-05-28, 04:21 PM
But I can't use dag-n-drop to load families. It will be great to load families by dragging on drawing area of revit and open families when you grag files on Revit tool panel, like in AutoCAD!
But you CAN drag and drop families from Explorer to load them into a Revit project! In fact, select several families in explorer, and drag them into Revit. Revit will prompt "do you want to open these, or load them into your project?" So you can load mulitple itmes at one time with drag and drop!

2005-05-28, 04:32 PM
But I can't use dag-n-drop to load families. It will be great to load families by dragging on drawing area of revit and open families when you grag files on Revit tool panel, like in AutoCAD!

You can drag families from Windows Explorer and drop them into Revit. In 7.0 that I have in front of me if you drop them on top of project browser then families are just loaded. If you drop into graphical view and if family is not loaded yet then it is loaded and starts interactive placement. Unfortunately if family is already loaded then dropping on top of graphical view does not start placement. In this case dragging must start in the browser.

Is that what you looking for or I misunderstood you?

2005-05-30, 05:19 PM
But you CAN drag and drop families from Explorer to load them into a Revit project! In fact, select several families in explorer, and drag them into Revit. Revit will prompt "do you want to open these, or load them into your project?" So you can load mulitple itmes at one time with drag and drop!
Yes, it works! I think it was something with Revit installation before I wrote a previous message. I'm so sorry for wrong post!!!