View Full Version : View perpendicular to a ref plane

2005-05-28, 12:42 AM
If i create an angle reference plane in an elevation, is it possible to get a view that is perpendicular to it ?
In example, if i have a truncated cylinder, i wanna see the ellipse.

2005-05-28, 02:38 AM
Well I just ried using a section, and that didn't work, and I'm fairly certain that an elevation won't work either. Your best is probably an axonometric 3D view. What are you trying to accomplish, besides see the elipse of a truncated cylinder?

You can use the dynamic modify view toolbar to match your 3D view to a specif plane. Do a search in help for "orient 3D".

2005-05-28, 02:53 AM
Set the workplane to your angled RP. ( Helps to name it )
Change to a 3D view.
Select View , Orient By Plane and select the plane.
The view is now ortho to that plane.

2005-05-30, 12:36 PM
Doesn't work here, i included a file.
Went to View - Orient - By Plane ...
Choosed my plane uner the drop-down (RoofPlane)

But still can't get it perpendicular, to see my circle as an ellipse

Could you set the view perpendicular to my plane please.

2005-05-30, 12:51 PM
You may be seeing a similar situation as in this thread...

Can't Orient to a plane...(Bug) (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=102620#post102620)



2005-05-31, 02:13 PM
Yep. Same issue. Something that should be addressed.