View Full Version : The right version for every file

2005-05-29, 04:52 PM
I tried to find the way to know with what release was made a certain file before to open it in a wrong release that doesn't open it or...worste...that upgrades it : i didn't find the way ( But that doesn't means it's impossible :-) ).
For the moment i started to call the files with the release initials ; what do you think about??

Always thanks for the help

2005-05-29, 09:39 PM
In Explorer, right click for Properties. It will tell you which version of revit opens the file.

2005-05-30, 07:57 AM
hi Beegee,
what do you mean saying ...Explorer?
I'm getting a little confused, do you mean when you are searching for the file to open or something else? opening the properties box it says you can open it with Revit, but not what version; i think i didn't understand what you told me

2005-05-30, 08:09 AM
Windows Explorer.

Keyboard shortcut = Win Key + E.

2005-05-30, 08:31 AM
How many things you can learn every day :-)!!

we was saying the same thing getting it from differents sides: but it says only you could open it by Autodesk Revit, i don't see any release link; it can't dislay the release number?
maybe you have to write it in the summary window inside the Properties ??

I know is monday morning, be patient!!!! :-)

2005-05-30, 01:24 PM
You are right. I get the same thing. The type of file is listed as autodesk revit and it states that you can open it with whatever version of revit you have loaded (in my case revit 7.0 - didn't have time to upgrade yet) I think your idea of attaching the version to the name of the file is an excellent idea.

2005-05-30, 05:16 PM
I think it is the only solution to know what kind of revit release did you get doing it; but i'm waiting for Beegee's way :-)

Surely isn't a big problem, you normaly upgrade at the newest release, but could be usefull during the changing times when you have almost all one project in the previous one and it is almost complete yet.

2005-05-30, 09:37 PM
Hey ! Prior to installing the current build, I got the version of Revit listed in Properties. I'm no longer getting that - just the Autodesk Revit and blue logo. Very annoying !

Sorry Paolo, looks like things have been changed.

2005-05-31, 02:45 PM
If I right click on a revit file and chose properties, this is what I get with windows XP, it says OPEN with Revit 7.0, However if I click on a pro.ject upgraded to 8.0 it still say 7.0

2005-05-31, 06:27 PM
It has to do with the way the computer is set up to handle various file types. Currently I have both 7 and 8 installed on my computer. Our project files are still working in 7, but I have installed 8 to start looking at it on my own. But if I click on any .RVT file extension in windows explorer, it automatically opens it in 8.

Since all versions of Revit use the same file extension, all .RVT files are going to open in whichever version you have the computer set to. To change the setting, you can right-click on a Revit file and go to Open With and you will get a list of installed programs to pick from. There will also be a check box to make all files of that type open in whatever program you pick.

If you do accidentally open a file in a later version that you don't want to upgrade, just let it do its upgrade process thing, and then simply close the file without saving. The file will not be permanently upgraded until you save it in the later version.

2005-05-31, 08:51 PM
As i said was only a curiosity i had; personally i started to sign my files with R7 - R8 before the name and obviously i'm opening all the new ones in R8.