View Full Version : odd dimension behavior in 5.1

2004-01-05, 07:23 PM
I am experienceing an odd behavior with radial dimensions in a section that is broken by splitting the crop window. See attached image. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so is there a suitable workaround? Also, does this happen in 6.0 as well? Thanks in advance for your help.

2004-01-05, 07:53 PM
Never seen that... Is your section cut parallel to the beam you're dimensioning??

2004-01-06, 02:42 PM
Thanks for the reply andrewg. Yes the section is cut parallel to the truss member.

The dimension works the way I would expect if the crop window is not split. I only see this phenomenon when the crop window is split and the two resulting crop windows are brought closer together.

2004-01-06, 04:08 PM

In your example you have a radial dimension such that an arc itself is inside of a visible portion of broken view while center of this arc in the gap between view regions. This is an unusual situation and I wonder if such dimension makes sense. The visual position of arc center in this case is not really defined. What would architects expect in this case? I think dimension value should still be meaningful and should equal to arc radius. However, if center is not in the same view region then dimension should probably stop short of center. How frequent is a situation like this one?


2004-01-06, 05:46 PM
This seems to be a similar bug to that one mentioned in a previous thread and on alt.cad.revit in which arc leader lines in split views (i.e. sections that are split and moved) separate from the text they are connected to whenever the text is dragged into the nether region between the split regions. I have already sent files to support for that issue, but it seems a common problem with annotations placed in the "dead" space while the leaders are in the "live" space.

2004-01-06, 06:08 PM
I agree with Greg except I have had leader problems when the annotation text is no in the "Dead Space" but still hte leader flies off into space.

Bug is still there in 6


2004-01-06, 06:48 PM
Support was unaware of this problem until I sent them the file during AU, so I am sure there is no way it made it into the 6.0 fix. I don't know if it was fixed since or not. Send support your file that has the leader flying away...they had not seen this aside from the files I sent.

2004-01-06, 06:58 PM
Thanks for the quick response Leonid. Maybe my example is a little unclear. What I am trying to achieve is getting the arch to be in one view region and the center mark in the other view region, and then pulling the two regions close together.

The reason I want to do this is because the radius center would be way off the page if I didn't visually move it closer in. We need to be able to dimension the location of the work point. We need to dimension things like this quite often, such as dimensioning the center point of a large radiused wall. There are at least three such cases in which we need dimensions like this in the project I am working on now.

Typically when doing this in AutoCAD I would put the arch center point in a " false location and dimension to it. Then I would change the dimension value to read what it should be.

This is not how I would like Revit to work though. The dimension the way it works now in Revit is almost right. I think all that needs to happen is that the arrow head and text needs to always be parallel to the dimension line.

Your suggestion of being able to stop the dimension short of the center should also be an otion for radial dimensions. This would be useful in situations where we don't need to know about or don't care about the location of the workpoint.