View Full Version : Electrical Plan

2005-06-01, 03:37 PM
Here goes:

Typically in a set of residential plans (at least what I am used to) you have floor plans without electrical schematics then a separate sheet(s) with the electrical stuff (outlets, switches, wall & ceiling fixtures, etc) usually without all the details and dimensions associated with the basic floor plans.

I have created ceiling plans under view options and placed ceiling fixtures. These however show up on the floor plans and I cannot hide tham so that they do not print. I got around this by creating some electrical annotations which do not show up on my floor plans but only on a separate electrical plan.

I would like to use the lighting and electrical families. My question is: How do I use these so that they show up on my electrical plan but not my basic floor plans?

Bill Maddox

PS I have gone through two how to books on Revit and had printed and carefully looked over the Factory Users Manual and Tutorials which I am about to dive into and researched the revitcity and augi forums and pulled my hair out over view ranges but cannot find the solution to this .............. if there is one.

2005-06-01, 03:49 PM
You should be able to uncheck the categories Electrical Fixtures, Electrical Equipment and Lighting Fixtures in any view. View > Visibility/Graphics

2005-06-01, 03:53 PM
Under the view properties\visibliity, turn off electrical fixtures, electrical equipment, & lighting fixtures.

Some electrical families have generic annotations which can act screwy with visibility settings. You may need to turn off the visibility setting for generic annotations as well but I don't think so.

Some people have made lighting fixtures with a vertical invisible line that makes lighting families show up on floor plans. I don't care for this style, and use a ceiling plan to see my light fixtures and don't need this extra line.

good luck

2005-06-01, 04:02 PM
Well guys, thanks so much. I can't believe I am so blind. I hate to admit it but I have been struggling with this for hours and should have known better. Thanks again for jump starting my brain.

Bill Maddox