View Full Version : Controls in "New" Crop Region Size - Release 6.0

2004-01-06, 01:48 AM
Have I got the wrong end ofthe stick?

When a region is broken into new regions, the "move"control does not seem to function logically (or pratically) to separate the regions!! Or is there another way that I don't know of?

With two new region windows, both the regions move together - no matter what!!

With three or more regions the right hand region will move away from the group, but all the other regions move together!!

Is this how it works? suggestions very welcome. :?

2004-01-06, 02:04 AM
Are you using the control in the image attached...working for me...or am I misunderstanding you?

2004-01-06, 02:23 AM
Hi Steve

Yes - I am using those controls.

I want to increase the space between the regions to add notes and dimens - and they will not separate. In the three region arrangement I can move the left region from the other two (centre and left) but when I attempt to move the right region away from the centre and left region - they move too (to the right).

In essence - I cannot move the left region away from the centre and left region to increase the space between!! :?

2004-01-06, 02:29 AM
Sorry to the people reading the previous string and testing.

I have swapped my lefts and rights - the right will move away - the left drags all with it!! :oops:

2004-01-06, 02:34 AM
I get similar behavior, however 5.1 behaves the "same"...

Now if you experiment a little you'll see that you can get some independant behavior but you must increase the overall region boundaries and then shrink the left or right elements until there is enough room to adjust further.

This is nearly impossible to explain verbally... :cry:

Clearly it doesn't function as smoothly as we might hope but I could get segments organized how I intended to try to simulate what I think you are doing...

Second try at explaining...I believe that the sum of the parts can't be greater than the original whole and that's why you get the movement.

2004-01-06, 06:06 AM
May be a short explanation can help.

Imagine an unbroken view. After you break it Revit introduces a gap between left and right parts but left and right are still separated by the same distance as before the break. You can now move the sides closer together but you can not pull them apart further than the distance before the break. Similar rule is enforced then the number of regions is greater than two. Basically, you can not pull regions apart further then they would be in the absence of breaks. If you try to move one region too much then its neighbor will follow trying to maintain maximum allowable distance (the distance that corresponds to a view without a break)


2004-01-06, 08:22 AM
Steve and LRaiz

Thankyou for taking the time to look at the issue and for your responses - they are apreciated. LRaiz now that i understand the basis for the behaviour I will use a workaround to achieve the outcome tyhat iwant.

Thankyou both - we have learnt something more!!