View Full Version : Lookups in dynamic blocks

2005-06-03, 10:57 PM
I am having severe difficulty eith Dynamic Blocks and in particular the Lookup Parameter and Lookup Action. I have attached a dynamic block that I am trying to scale using preset values for the 'x' and 'y' distances that a user can select. A lookup table seems to be the way to do this and I have set it up according to any and all information I could obtain regarding dynamic blocks, lookup parameters, and lookup ations. Needless to say it does not work.... and I can't figure out why. If someone could help I would appreciate it.

Christopher Skow
Synectic Design Inc.

P.s. does some one have a Dynamic block example that works so that I can see how it works and maybe disect it.

2005-06-04, 01:49 AM
I didn't look at your dwg, but...

I was having trouble, too, but I found that the AutoCAD help was actually very good in guiding me through creating a Lookup.

Also, you might want to check this: http://mdouglas.blogs.com/in_the_dynamic_interface/2005/04/lookup_tables_n.html


2005-06-05, 01:16 AM
Well after looking at your block I assume the problem you're seeing is your XY grip you can pretty much move around freely which causes a Custom Lookup value and not your standard sizes. Then you can change your Lookup from the properties palette. So if you don't want the custom settings anymore, try turning off the XY grip and turning back on the lookup grip. Or select your XY lookup table and set the parameter to the LIST option and input your Lookup values into the List for values.

If you can specify a little more detailed what you want it to do we can steer you in the right direction.