View Full Version : Real lumber

2005-06-05, 07:34 PM
I draw in medium detail level, not stick, and I need dimensional lumber that joins, not offsets the way steel drawings are done. I noticed in the forums that apparently Autodesk hasn't yet addressed the needs of us small residential designers in respect to wood framing.
Has anyone made a parametric structural lumber RFA that joins the wood you want it to?
I need one badly ASAP. BTW, I'm still trying to get the hang of making my own parametric families.

Daryl Stockton

2005-06-05, 08:17 PM
I have found that if you use grids for the placement of your beams and columns (you can turn off the bubble), and then place the structural elements by picking the grid line, the elements will join properly. When you go to place a beam you will see a button marked "grid" next to the load button in what I think is called the options bar. Pick that, then your grid then "finish". Repeat as needed. If you need to change a beam just delete and place a new one. If you try to place beams by dragging them between other structural elements, you will end up experiencing much frustration. I hope this helps.


2005-06-05, 10:33 PM
Thanks for the help Joef.
For now I will let my framing plan be whatever Revit wants it to be in the framing view.
I need to get this job out tonight.