View Full Version : Wall sweep behavior

2005-06-06, 02:06 PM
If I place a wall sweep that passes through a window or door, it makes 2 separate pieces with a drag handle on each end (4 handles in all). But what if I only want one of those pieces, how do I get rid of the other one?

For example I have a vertical sweep, and when I place it, it passes through a window and makes a piece above and below the window. I only want the piece below, how do I get rid of the piece above?

Les Therrien
2005-06-06, 02:14 PM
It's kind of annoying but easy to fix.
Just grab the end of the outer most handle that you do not want, and drag it to where you want it to end. Then grab the handle at the edge of the door or window opening that you do not want , and drag it to where you want the sweep to end.

Easy as pie.

2005-06-06, 02:43 PM
So the top end of my lower sweep would have 3 handles on top of each other right?

I tried to drag the top handle of the top sweep down to the bottom handle (at the top of the window) and it wouldn't do it.

2005-06-06, 03:06 PM
Actually I still don't know what I can do.... Here is a pic, I need to get rid of this top sweep, but as you can see the bottom sweep is connecting to a horizontal sweep.

2005-06-06, 03:37 PM
I just realized that the new wall sweep parameter "Cut by inserts" allows you to achieve what you want. (It is a useful side effect we have not considered.)

When it is set, the wall sweep gets only two end controls per wall and you can then pull the end where you want it.


2005-11-14, 09:55 PM
I'm bringing this back up... what do I do about reveals and inserts? I have a vertical reveal but I only want it above the window, and not the part below it. I don't see a "cut by inserts" or similar option for reveals.

2005-11-15, 12:43 AM
I'm bringing this back up... what do I do about reveals and inserts? I have a vertical reveal but I only want it above the window, and not the part below it. I don't see a "cut by inserts" or similar option for reveals.
You are right, reveals do not have the "cut by inserts" option. So my previous suggestion does not apply to them. I agree that we should streamline the wall sweep/reveal behavior and UI, but it is not in the immediate plans yet.

Until then, as an ugly solution, you can just pull out both ends of the unwanted reveal portion to not cut anything from the hosting wall...
