View Full Version : Placing Enterprise .CUI pulldown Menu

2005-06-06, 08:01 PM
Hi everyone,

:confused: I am have a problem moving my enterprise .cui pull-down menu once it's in AutoCAD.

It came in on the left side of the "file" pull-down menu, I would like it to be located next to the "express" pull-down menu.


Kyle C.

2005-06-07, 03:13 AM
You'll want to modify your workspace. See the vids in this thread. (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=19301)

2005-06-07, 03:34 AM
You need to edit the workspace while it is the main cuif file. So if you've defined the workspace in the enterprise cui file, you need to load a profile that uses that cui file as the main cui file instead. Once you have modified the workspace, the enterprise profile will be correct.

2005-06-15, 08:26 PM

Sorry, I am not getting what you are talking about.

You need to edit the workspace while it is the main cuif file. So if you've defined the workspace in the enterprise cui file, you need to load a profile that uses that cui file as the main cui file instead. Once you have modified the workspace, the enterprise profile will be correct.
I dropped in my custom menu in the main cui file but it don't move the menu location on the toolbar on my or the other computer.

Can you give me a more step by step way.


Kyle C.

2005-06-16, 01:44 PM
You will have a profile that the entire office uses. This profile is your normal setup, including the enterprise cui file. However, this profilewill make edits to the enterprise cui file impossible. (A good thing, otherwise why have an enterprise version in the first place?)

So to edit the enterprise cui file you somehow need to make it the main cui file. Instead of manually editing the entries in the Options, Files tab, use another profile instead.

Make a copy of the normal profile.
Activate the copy.
Remove the original enterprise cui file.
Replace the main cui file with the enterprise cui file.
Edit the enterprise cui file to your heart's desire.
Toggle the profile back to the normal one for final testing and day-to-day work.