View Full Version : How to view a Pan or IVR file?

2004-01-07, 10:25 AM
Can't find a viewer for either fomats. I thought quick time would do it , but it does not. Does anyone know what kind of viewer do I need ? I hope it is a shareware because I want to be able to give it to the client.
Thanks in advance for any help and I wish all a very happy and prosperous new year

Phil Palmer
2004-01-07, 11:58 AM
We used to use an application from Smoothmove (now called Imove I think ?)
Try a search for them on the net.
Alternatively I can email you the file (1.8mb) if you want ?

2004-01-07, 10:25 PM
Thanks phil. I did a search and found the software and it is working. I assume it will not be a problem distrubiting it to clients.

2004-01-09, 04:14 PM
I have been using a free app called PTViewer. I you export to ivr and resave the jpg file that is produced you can use PTViewer. There is a standalone viewer, and a javascript version that has much more flexibility. If you can't find it anywhere, try looking up Helmet Durch's PanoTools on Google.