View Full Version : Print Settings Revision

2005-06-06, 10:34 PM
It would be really helpful if within the print settings - if the print range is set to 'selected views/sheets' that a warning box appears confirming this is the setting you would like before the print goes through - it has happened one too many times that I will be printing individual views or sheets with the 'current window' setting in place then suddenly with no warning the 'selected views/sheets' is highlighted and before I catch it I have a list of 20 views going to the printer - very annoying - I try to be very careful to make sure I haven't accidently clicked the setting but I have noticed more than once that it just suddenly appears this way. I think a warning box will help, and regardless it is a nice setting to have available incase you need to cancel your print just before sending.

Mr Spot
2005-06-07, 12:04 AM
Yeah that would be handy, just a little dialog box saying:

Print drawing SET?
Okay Cancel

Its easy to accidently forget to turn this off when you have previously printed a set and then just want to print a single view a couple of hours later.

2005-06-07, 12:17 AM
When you accidentally start long printing job you can stop it by pressing Cancel in lower right corner of the progress bar, can't you?

Mr Spot
2005-06-07, 01:47 AM
True, but what if you print then leave your computer... which can be the habit...

2005-06-07, 02:17 AM
When you accidentally start long printing job you can stop it by pressing Cancel in lower right corner of the progress bar, can't you?
On long print jobs, the Revit work area will go blank (white) and the progress bar cancel area will update very slowly. Too many people in the office think it's locked up (in fact task manager will list it as not responding). Of course they want to ctrl-alt-del it when in fact it is busy with printing.