View Full Version : Site pad not cutting

Mark Vorstenbosch
2005-06-07, 11:40 AM
Hi all

I have a small problem.

I have linked files but when I try and cut a pad in my site
it just won’t work right,it fills in like a second site, any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

2005-06-07, 01:23 PM
Is the pad in the project file that contains the site topography? It needs to be. Pads won't cut site in different linked projects.

Mark Vorstenbosch
2005-06-08, 06:46 AM
Hi Steve

What I have done:

The site(toposurface) is done in one file and the I linked the files with the units.

But I played around and if you do the pads before you link any file the pads work, after all the pads are done link the other file with the Site.

Why does it work like that?

2005-06-08, 07:19 AM
Not sure I follow you...

Do you have the following?

Topography in Site project file
Pads are in Site project file too
Bldgs in separate project files linked to Site project
If so you should be able to apply the pads in the same location as your buildings after linking them. How about a screen shot of what's happening to you?

Attached a screen shot of a quick topo and pad under a linked building file. I raised the bldg up so you can see the pad. So what am I missing compared to what you are doing?

Mark Vorstenbosch
2005-06-08, 07:44 AM
Hi Steve

I got it,but Thanks for all the help.

2005-06-08, 07:53 AM
Hi guys,

I've been following this discussion and found that placing the pads before linking another dwg to my site seems to prevent any problems with creating new pads. However, I experience the same problem that Mark has in trying to create pads when another file is already linked. Guess the answer is to first draw all required pads and only link files once this has been set up.

Thanks a lot for bringing up this topic.

2005-06-08, 01:40 PM
...Guess the answer is to first draw all required pads and only link files once this has been set up...Really don't think that is necessary. If you find it so, Revit Support would probably like to see the files.