View Full Version : Curtain wall door panels in legends?

2005-06-07, 07:12 PM
Is there any way to get a curtainwall/storefront door into my door legend? I tried to place it, and it said I had to enter a dimension, but the only thing it would let me do is 3'-0" and it looked like a square panel. I changed it to 7'-0" after placing it, and it just changed to a 7' square (the door's glass panel and elevation swing).

For now I have just placed a Single Glass door that resembles my storefront doors, but it doesn't have the pull handle on it.

2005-08-02, 09:44 PM
It seems that any curtain wall panel shows as a square in elevation in a legend. Even if there are alot of non rectangular panels. I am trying to set up a visual schedule of all the curtain panels in a small project-about 100-and the only way I can think of doing it is to set up a set of sections and elevations and only have the curtain panels (and respective tags) visible and assembling these onto a sheet together with a curtain panel schedule.

Tom Dorner
2005-08-02, 11:18 PM
One trick I have been using is to place regular door families into curtain walls. To do this, select the curtain panel and change it to a regular wall type. I usually make a dummy wall type the same thickness as my curtain panel thickness.

Now that the curtain panel you have selected is a wall, you can simply insert a regular door family into it and it will schedule properly and can get placed onto a legend. The trick is to make sure that you use a door family with no trim and have the clear space between the mullions exactly the width and height of your door. When the door "cuts" your dummy wall, the dummy wall will completely disapear leaving just the door.

I have attached a simple example to look at.



2005-08-03, 12:23 AM
One trick...The trick...if only you had used the word TIP in this post just once...then we could've considered it for tips-n-tricks! Well I suppose we can ask Scott to make an exception? ;)

2005-08-03, 01:10 PM
if only you had used the word TIP in this post just once...then we could've considered it for tips-n-tricks! Well I suppose we can ask Scott to make an exception? ;)
Hey, he said "trick"...doesn't that still count for "Tips and Tricks"?

Tom Dorner
2005-08-03, 02:25 PM
I used this trick in my "tips & tricks" section of the Minnesota Revit Users Group (MNRUG) meeting a few months ago. There are all sort of fun things you can do with curtain walls. I wish that they could be called a "ruled wall/ceiling system" and used to create a ruled system in the category of the users choosing. (i.e. a ruled system used to create a standing seam roof would schedule and have the visibility displays of a roof.)
