View Full Version : Zoom Extents

2005-06-07, 09:42 PM
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever learn half of what there is to know before they upgrade again!
For those of you who like to pan and zoom did you also know you can double click your wheel to zoom extents? Saves you time from going to the command bar or clicking.

2006-03-31, 10:50 PM
wow, I didn't know that one, :Oops: didn't even know you could double click a mouse wheel. I usually just key it in.

2006-03-31, 11:08 PM
In our office it's usually "what the heck? why is it zooming extents on me?"

2006-04-03, 09:09 AM
On another note, did you know if you hold the shift key and pan then it pans in ortho mode.

2006-04-03, 04:27 PM
On another note, did you know if you hold the shift key and pan then it pans in ortho mode.
Only for "real time" pan, though. 8) tip though, for those who use real time.

2006-04-03, 05:13 PM
On another note, did you know if you hold the shift key and pan then it pans in ortho mode.

Try Ctrl+Pan

2006-04-03, 05:52 PM
Press CTRL+Wheel Button to get a free flowing pan. It has got realtime direction and speed adjustment too. Means you can adjust the speed and pan direction on the flow.


johan d
2006-04-04, 07:03 AM
I'm getting kind of high from real time panning...

2006-04-19, 01:29 AM
WOW !!!

Gu, Gu, great tips and thanks for your all with


2006-04-19, 12:25 PM
Someone should write a small manual about all the zoom options available.
Isn't that the most widely used feature besides redraw and regen?
I would put something together, but I do not think I know all there is to know.

2006-04-19, 03:47 PM
Someone should write a small manual about all the zoom options available.
I would put something together, but I do not think I know all there is to know.
Nice idea Robert. The main thing is to start. Then everybody will start contributing (Just like this thread grew up). All the best for your effort.

Isn't that the most widely used feature besides redraw and regen?
I have almost forgotten Redraw command.......... But I do agree with regen.


2006-04-19, 04:09 PM
How about the zoom object command from the tool button flyout - thats quite useful but people don't seem to use often.

2006-04-20, 01:02 PM
How about the zoom object command from the tool button flyout - thats quite useful but people don't seem to use often.

That is a good one, I am taking notes now :p

2006-04-21, 08:15 AM
Zoom Object command is such a pleasure, especially when users have entities all over the place, and zoom extents takes you so far out all you see are dots on a blank screen....

2006-04-21, 09:23 AM
Hi guy's

Do you know if you hold down on the wheel button on your mouse you can pan as well.

2006-04-22, 08:11 AM
How about the zoom object command from the tool button flyout - thats quite useful but people don't seem to use often.
Thanks Steve. Your tip inspired me to develop one VBA macro (zoomblock.dvb) which zooms to all instances of a specified block (and attributes, if required) in the drawing. Please see the attached DVB file.


2006-04-29, 09:24 AM
If you feel that the zooming with wheel button is too slow or too fast, you can change the zoom percentage by setting the ZOOMFACTOR system variable. The range is 3 to 100. Use the lowest value (3) only if you intend to sleep while working...;)


2006-07-18, 03:36 PM
In Acad 2007 the ortho pan (hold shift + middle mouse button) now goes into a 3D orbit, however did you know that if you hold the middle mouse button down first and then hold down shift it does the ortho pan and not 3D orbit.

2006-07-21, 01:53 PM
When we get a new release of any software, I often open a sacrificail file and go through a series of "What does this do?" button pushing. Push every F_ button, then combinations of regular keys with the Ctrl and Alt keys. It is amazing the little shortcuts you find...

2006-07-21, 03:02 PM
Thanks Steve. Your tip inspired me to develop one VBA macro (zoomblock.dvb) which zooms to all instances of a specified block (and attributes, if required) in the drawing. Please see the attached DVB file.


How does this work? This is the first time I have heard about a .dvb file. I loaded it into my drawing but how do you activate the command. How do you read it?

2006-07-21, 03:45 PM
How does this work? This is the first time I have heard about a .dvb file. I loaded it into my drawing but how do you activate the command. How do you read it?

If you have loaded it, then run VBARUN and choose a macro to run.

2006-07-21, 06:36 PM
Cool! Thanks