View Full Version : Disjoin walls permanently

Martin P
2003-05-16, 09:33 AM
We have all had problems with wall joins right? particularly at say a T junction where 3 different types meet, or L etc... I personally keep running into problems with internal walls altering external walls, especially when you have 2+ storeys, and you get a partition at FF level messing about with you ground floor plan - very annoying!! I would like to be able to pick a wall and force it to remain disjoined from the others, so certain problem walls I can stop them from reacting with the others - obviously windows and doors etc would remain in the wall all that it would do was stop the wall reaction with other walls

I really think this would offer an excellent solution to problem wall joins, and hope Autodesk take this one on board, it has been the cause of most of the remaining problems I have using Revit, and the cause of most of the problems I had to start with too.

2003-05-16, 09:41 AM
Its a good idea Martin. Could it be done with a parameter that stopped some wall types interacting with others? So that partitions better represented their relationship with real walls.


Martin P
2003-05-16, 09:45 AM
I think that would be better - then that way they would still react with walls of their own type - and no with type(s) you select, would like that even more, yes... I will Make that the wish then (as I can edit the post!!)

2003-05-16, 01:46 PM
:idea: Couldn't you just use the Disallow Joins options as illustrated in the Wall Joins and Attachments tutorial?

Martin P
2003-05-16, 02:31 PM
:idea: Couldn't you just use the Disallow Joins options as illustrated in the Wall Joins and Attachments tutorial?

It has been 2 years since I looked at the tutorials on walls , I dont remember that one :? ?? must be new, will have alook at it, if it does this then excellent, my wish has been granted - will get back to you on it....

Martin P
2003-05-16, 02:37 PM
Well bugger me, I didnt know that was there!!! AND I dont think it is new either!! Thank you for the tip, I am going to use that all the time :D

2003-05-18, 11:27 AM
Knowing what you now know, would you still post this wish? Should it get added to the "list"?

Martin P
2003-05-19, 12:05 PM
Knowing what you now know, would you still post this wish? Should it get added to the "list"?

Yes, but rather than being single walls, the wish would be for types of walls to be able to have different relationships EG - certain external compound walls wont react with certain intenal walls - my curtain walls wont react with anything but curtain walls etc etc (but still each other) - I think in this form it is still a very valid wish. Especially in relation to curtain walls, curtain walls should behave less like walls and more like windows, it extremely annonying when Revit messes up realtionships in a curtain wall, that you have spent ages setting up..... it also is the major problem with grouping and copying curtain walls, which is something just about ALL of us would make use of, I havent tried the dissallow join ends in a copied group, but I have a feeling it will only apply to the original

2003-05-19, 01:00 PM
Seems that what you and others are asking for is akin to "cleanup groups" like in ADT? Agree?

Martin P
2003-05-19, 02:16 PM
Seems that what you and others are asking for is akin to "cleanup groups" like in ADT? Agree?

No idea!! never seen it :D - If I can use it to stop certain walls moving other walls, that is what it is...

2003-05-19, 02:50 PM
In a wall style, you choose to use a "cleanup group" that basically isolates that wall to only walls that use the same cleanup group.

The problem I've had with that scenario is there are often cases where I want them to NOT cleanup with one a specific wall style rather than exclude all except one. Does that make sense??