View Full Version : "Give credit, where credit is due!"

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-06-08, 11:18 AM
We have been working on an enormous hospital, which is about 80% complete in CD's.
We have just gone thru' a HUGE aesthetic redesign (budget or something). 3 chaps on worksets, took us just over 3 day's. We then sat back and took in what we have just accomplished and realization set in. Having been on our "old" cad system( not mentioning any names) we worked out, it would have taken at least 10 people about 6-8 days.

With our current resources and the time in which we had to do it, there would be NO WAY!
Plus our name would have been mud with the client.
Revit is aiding in keeping our Job and Reputation in tact. Client demands are becoming more and more ruthless, and if you want to stay competitive in this industry, you need to stay one step ahead!
Keenly awaiting the stage when our Engineers can collaborate with us on the same platform. One can sense, they are struggling with the overload of documentation we are supplying, as well as the unreasonable deadlines, they now have to keep up with!


2005-06-08, 12:44 PM
(Revit took) 3 chaps on worksets, took us just over 3 day's......on our "old" cad system .......it would have taken at least 10 people about 6-8 days.Hope you charged your client 10 x 6 man days

Roger Evans
2005-06-08, 05:42 PM
Alternatively double / triple your rate

Has anyone worked out if there is a factor you can use here to determine rate charges?